MSNBC and CNN quickly cut off Donald Trump’s rambling idiotic White House speech

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2020

Something doesn’t add up with Chris Christie

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2020

Mike Pence reemerges from hiding and heads to The Villages amid more controversy

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2020

Trump is still infected with coronavirus and he plans to spread it

By Robert Harrington | Oct 10, 2020

Donald Trump is completely imploding

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2020

Pete Buttigieg just said what we’re all thinking

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2020

Mike Pence’s vanishing act grows even stranger

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2020

Jaime Harrison slams Lindsey Graham after his ridiculous debate stunt

By Bill Palmer | Oct 10, 2020

Busted: the illegal money trail from Donald Trump’s Las Vegas hotel to his campaign

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Joe Biden slam dunks Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Donald Trump gives away that he’s still testing positive for coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Chris Christie’s coronavirus is reportedly serious

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Wait, Lindsey Graham just said WHAT about Black people?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Donald Trump has bizarre meltdown about dexamethasone

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Donald Trump stumbles through bizarre medical “exam” on Tucker Carlson show

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump is too ill to travel

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Lindsey Graham cancels Senate debate amid growing suspicion that he has coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

If Donald Trump was bluffing, he just blew it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Lindsey Graham just gave something away

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

This new coronavirus outbreak in Amy Coney Barrett’s kids’ school could derail her confirmation hearing

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Donald Trump got played

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

“Things are going downhill fast”

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Where’s Mike Pence?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Donald Trump has completely incoherent meltdown after Nancy Pelosi unveils 25th Amendment plan

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

Time for the intervention

By Shirley Kennedy | Oct 9, 2020

New England Journal of Medicine slams Donald Trump

By Ron Leshnower | Oct 9, 2020

Donald Trump is falling apart at the seams

By Robert Harrington | Oct 9, 2020

Donald Trump’s declassification tweet just blew up in his face – and now a federal judge is on the case

By Bill Palmer | Oct 9, 2020

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