Now it begins

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Donald Trump has completely delusional Twitter meltdown after losing the debate to Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Yep, Donald Trump really is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Donald Trump just got crushed by undecided voters

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

How Donald Trump blew it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

What was all that back there?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Joe Biden just had his finest hour

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Donald Trump just blew it big time

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Donald Trump has unhinged racist meltdown during debate about “low IQ” refugees

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Joe Biden is completely dominating this debate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

No one even knows what Donald Trump is talking about as he incoherently spirals out of control during debate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Donald Trump is off to sniffing and tepid start to the debate, as Joe Biden lands solid blow

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Donald Trump’s last hurrah

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

What’s really going on with tonight’s Joe Biden vs Donald Trump debate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

There’s something very wrong with Mitch McConnell’s health

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

So that explains last night’s FBI press conference

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s secret Chinese bank account

By James Sullivan | Oct 22, 2020

None of the October surprises seem to be going Donald Trump’s way

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Donald Trump Jr cries like a baby as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Video footage shows how Donald Trump blew off his 60 Minutes interview

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Let’s get rid of this evil called Trump

By Robert Harrington | Oct 22, 2020

The real reason President Obama did what he just did

By Bill Palmer | Oct 22, 2020

Donald Trump just took a big swing and miss

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2020

Here comes the Ghislaine Maxwell bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2020

Rudy Giuliani has total meltdown after getting caught with his hand down his pants

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2020

Donald Trump goes berserk about FBI Director Christopher Wray

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2020

What happened to Bill Barr?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2020

Michael Cohen explains why Donald Trump isn’t even bothering

By Bill Palmer | Oct 21, 2020

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