Unraveling Donald Trump caught secretly plotting against Republican Senate reelection campaigns

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2020

Why I hate Republicans

By Robert Harrington | Oct 25, 2020

It’s all coming together now

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2020

SNL just hit the nail on the head

By Bill Palmer | Oct 25, 2020

This is weird

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

Something’s up with Melania Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

Mike Pence has a coronavirus problem

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

President Obama just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

The real reason Lisa Murkowski just screwed us all over

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

Donald Trump has a whole new Twitter problem

By Ron Leshnower | Oct 24, 2020

Falling to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

Donald Trump gets confused about what state he’s in, threatens to end his rally early

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

Donald Trump isn’t the only sociopath

By Robert Harrington | Oct 24, 2020

The circus is leaving town

By Shirley Kennedy | Oct 24, 2020

Bill Barr just blew it again

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

Brian Williams just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 24, 2020

Donald Trump just struck out again today

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Donald Trump has berserk meltdown after his secret Chinese bank account is exposed

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Wait, Donald Trump said WHAT about women?

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump is already carrying out his revenge on Lindsey Graham for failing him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Whatever is wrong with Mitch McConnell’s health, it’s no longer just his hand

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

It’s way too quiet tonight

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Susan Collins is in trouble

By James Sullivan | Oct 23, 2020

Donald Trump is out of time

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump is losing

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Donald Trump holds disastrous press conference as it all unravels for him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

Joe Biden just hit it out the park

By Bill Palmer | Oct 23, 2020

This is a disaster for Donald Trump

By Robert Harrington | Oct 23, 2020

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