Donald Trump’s inner circle implodes

By Bill Palmer | Oct 31, 2020

It’s the middle of the night and Donald Trump is completely melting down

By Bill Palmer | Oct 31, 2020

Donald Trump’s biggest debt has come due

By TR Kenneth | Oct 30, 2020

Rudy Giuliani totally loses it, begins shouting and slamming his desk as it all goes wrong for him

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Federal judge rules Donald Trump’s tweets incited violence

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Donald Trump throws a complete tantrum after his Minnesota rally gets ruined

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Donald Trump whines and cries as Fox News cuts it losses

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Madame Tussauds throws its Donald Trump wax dummy in a dumpster ahead of election

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Palmer Report talks with Speaker Nancy Pelosi

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Donald Trump and Bill Barr caught in major scandal involving Turkey

By Daniel Cotter | Oct 30, 2020

Donald Trump cancels his Election Night party

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Mike Pompeo has a whole new problem

By James Sullivan | Oct 30, 2020

The single biggest reason Donald Trump is unfit to be President of the United States

By Robert Harrington | Oct 30, 2020

Donald Trump Jr completely unravels

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

It’s 2:30 in the morning and Donald Trump is completely melting down right now

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Election night surprise

By Bill Palmer | Oct 30, 2020

Joe Biden just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Donald Trump suffers embarrassing Twitter failure, deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

GOP Senator David Perdue just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Unraveling Lindsey Graham takes bizarre shot at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Tucker Carlson’s ‘package stolen in the mail’ story takes another bizarre turn

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Trump stooge David Perdue runs and hides after Democrat Jon Ossoff beats him in debate

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Looks like Hillary Clinton is about to get her revenge on Donald Trump

By James Sullivan | Oct 29, 2020

Donald Trump’s Hunter Biden conspiracy theory just completely blew up in his face

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Donald Trump forced to move Rochester, Minnesota rally to smaller venue

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Donald Trump has profane threatening meltdown after people start succumbing to the heat at his rally

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Donald Trump just gave something away

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

Fox News just cut off Donald Trump and aired Joe Biden instead

By Bill Palmer | Oct 29, 2020

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