Fox News calls Arizona for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

Red mirage: no, Donald Trump is NOT ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

Joe Biden wins New Hampshire – and it’s a good sign for the results

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

This is what it comes down to

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

This isn’t about Florida

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

Things are looking good so far

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

James Carville may be onto something

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

What really happens if Donald Trump falsely declares victory tonight

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

Some Donald Trump supporters waiting in line to vote in Pennsylvania are reportedly giving up and going home

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

Donald Trump sounds like he knows he’s going to lose

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

The end is near

By Shirley Kennedy | Nov 3, 2020

The buzzards are already circling Donald Trump, as Deutsche Bank eyes seizing his assets if he loses

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

It’s finally happening

By TR Kenneth | Nov 3, 2020

Donald Trump calls in to Fox & Friends and sounds completely defeated and half dead

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

So that was unusual

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

Joe Biden gets 100% of the vote in Dixville Notch

By Bill Palmer | Nov 3, 2020

A final word to the undecided voter

By Robert Harrington | Nov 2, 2020

About that October surprise…

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

First election day voter in Dixville Notch is a lifelong Republican voting for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

Donald Trump admits he’s afraid he’ll go to prison if he loses

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

Attorney General of Pennsylvania tells Donald Trump to go to hell

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

Rachel Maddow just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

Looks like it just hit Donald Trump that he’s going to lose tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

Twitter cracks down on Donald Trump after he has violent meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

Joe Biden for the win

By Angel Morini | Nov 2, 2020

Donald Trump’s closing message lands with a thud

By Bill Palmer | Nov 2, 2020

Now is not the time

By Ron Leshnower | Nov 2, 2020

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