Donald Trump’s stomach-churning arrogance

By Robert Harrington | Nov 4, 2020

On a path to victory, Joe Biden launches transition site

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Turns out the Democrats haven’t necessarily lost the Senate

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Donald Trump is crashing and burning

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Where’s Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Donald Trump’s mood “darkens” as he realizes he’s going to lose and his allies abandon him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Donald Trump goes completely berserk after he loses Michigan

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden has won Michigan!

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Eric Trump shits the bed

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Looks like Joe Biden is on a path to win Pennsylvania

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden wins Wisconsin as Donald Trump freaks out

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden issues statement as he pulls ahead

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden pulls ahead, Donald Trump melts down about it, Twitter cracks down on him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Wisconsin is breaking big for Joe Biden; Michigan also trending toward Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Here’s what it comes down to now

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden closing the gap in Michigan [Updated]

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden pulls ahead in Wisconsin

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden officially wins Arizona, clarifying his path to victory

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Donald Trump just blew it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Donald Trump goes on TV after 2:00am and sniffs his way through whiny meltdown as it all slips away from him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

It’s trending in Joe Biden’s direction

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Where did Donald Trump go?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden wins Nebraska-02, significantly broadening his path to victory

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Twitter cracks down on Donald Trump after he has complete meltdown and posts false tweet

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden announces that he expects to win; Donald Trump has complete meltdown in response

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

CNN just called Minnesota for Joe Biden, and it narrows Donald Trump’s path significantly

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Joe Biden’s deputy campaign manager just now: “We’re going to win”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

Donald Trump throws a total fit after Fox News calls Arizona for Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 4, 2020

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