It’s official: Joe Biden has won the presidency, Kamala Harris the vice presidency

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s campaign is apparently holding a press conference today at a landscaping store

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump has all caps meltdown after he realizes he’s lost the election

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Trump is reportedly going golfing today as the news outlets prepare to name Joe Biden the winner

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Joe Scarborough rips into MSNBC and other news outlets for refusing to name Joe Biden the winner

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Matt Gaetz also has coronavirus, amid worsening outbreak in Donald Trump’s orbit

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump, on the verge of losing, goes berserk – and Twitter takes down several of his tweets

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump, you’re fired!

By Robert Harrington | Nov 7, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump’s election night party may have been a super spreader event

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump is in a confused defeated haze behind the scenes and wants it all to be over with

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Donald Trump’s White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows now has coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Joe Biden hits it out of the park with amazingly Presidential speech

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Donald Trump invokes scam toilet guy Matt Whitaker as his election hopes crash and burn

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

This should do it in Pennsylvania

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Looks like Donald Trump just threw Jared Kushner under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

The real reason Joe Biden just decided to speak tonight

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Why Trump must go to prison

By Robert Harrington | Nov 6, 2020

Donald Trump hits the panic button

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Joe Biden hits important milestone in Pennsylvania

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

This is getting ridiculous

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Donald Trump goes bonkers ahead of Joe Biden being declared the winner

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Donald Trump’s endgame

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

House Republicans openly feud with each other as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Here’s the surprising part

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Wait for it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Donald Trump’s White House handlers are reportedly already looking for new jobs

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

Yeah, Donald Trump is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Nov 6, 2020

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