The real reason Melania Trump is telling Donald Trump to concede

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2020

Andrew Yang goes all in to flip the Senate for the Democrats in Georgia

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2020

The thing everyone is missing about Donald Trump’s exit strategy

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2020

Donald Trump’s entire life is imploding

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2020

Here’s how you know Donald Trump is toast

By Bill Palmer | Nov 8, 2020

The balance of power on Twitter just shifted dramatically

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Jared Kushner just admitted it’s over for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Fox News reportedly suspends or cancels Judge Jeanine Pirro after Donald Trump loses

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Twitter hits Donald Trump’s false tweets with warning label that confirms Joe Biden won

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

How to survive the next 74 days

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Alec Baldwin just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just hit it out the park in historic victory speech

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Stacey Abrams has a plan to win the Senate majority

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump begins the bargaining stage of his downfall

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s long hard fall has begun

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Jared Kushner takes it on the chin

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Secret Service agent confirms Donald Trump will be dragged from White House if he refuses to leave

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Momentum surges for President-elect Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Bye Bye Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Joe Biden just blew Donald Trump out of the water on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Sore loser Donald Trump has psychotic all caps Twitter meltdown after he loses the election

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Just wait for it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump would like to have this tweet back

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump’s sinking White House has become the Titanic

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 7, 2020

Making America grateful again

By Robert Harrington | Nov 7, 2020

Donald Trump is losing everything

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

America is back!

By Bill Palmer | Nov 7, 2020

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