Michael Cohen says Donald Trump is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

How the media got the election completely wrong from the start

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

What we should actually be worried about right now

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

I told you Bill Barr’s election “probe” wasn’t going anywhere

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Donald Trump Jr goes completely off the deep end on his way down

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s stooge Mike Pompeo flames out in humiliating fashion

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden just perfectly handled Donald Trump’s delusional refusal to concede after losing

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Mike Pence just checked out

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Even Brett Kavanauagh seems to be acknowledging that Donald Trump is toast

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

So much for the shy Trump supporter

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Top Republicans lash out at Donald Trump for screwing them over

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Trump just doesn’t have the muscle

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s endgame disaster

By Shirley Kennedy | Nov 10, 2020

Palmer Report editorial note: how we intend to cover Donald Trump going forward

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Donald Trump just got slapped down by Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Donald Trump has failed yet again

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

How to finish this off

By TR Kenneth | Nov 10, 2020

Hey Donald Trump, go for it!

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Mary Trump just destroyed Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Top DOJ official resigns as Bill Barr circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Stop worrying about Bill Barr

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Donald Trump adviser dies six weeks after attending White House super spreader event

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

The countdown to Donald Trump’s arrest begins

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Donald Trump’s election law firm Jones Day begins revolting against him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Just let Donald Trump have his silly 2024 fantasy

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Donald Trump has completely whacked out meltdown about coronavirus vaccine

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

No, Bill Barr isn’t doing anything. Stop falling for it.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

Donald Trump sells off his private helicopter after losing the election

By Bill Palmer | Nov 9, 2020

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