Karl Rove tells Donald Trump it’s over

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

This is why we lose

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Here comes Joe Biden’s White House Chief of Staff

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel posts tweet admitting Joe Biden won the election, deletes it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

The more things change…

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

This is why we must never, never give up the fight

By Robert Harrington | Nov 11, 2020

Here’s how you really know it’s over for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

This drives a stake in the heart of Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania gambit

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Multiple Republican Governors tell Donald Trump it’s over

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump just blew it again

By James Sullivan | Nov 11, 2020

Arizona’s Republican Attorney General points to Joe Biden victory

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

The real reason Donald Trump is installing his own people at the Pentagon

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump’s allies resort to “performance art” as he circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump’s own lawyers now admit there’s no election fraud

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump goes bonkers after his star “voter fraud” witness admits he made it up

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Key ally of Donald Trump now publicly admits Joe Biden has won

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump finally shows his face in public at Arlington and looks like absolute hell

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

The Georgia hand recount is about to put Donald Trump one step closer to the door

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

The end of the Trump supporter

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump is being played

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Donald Trump is a “barricaded subject”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Lawrence O’Donnell just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

GOP Senator Pat Toomey just kneecapped Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Give me a break

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

When will the hammer drop on Rudy Giuliani?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Joe Biden’s got this

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

The bottom just fell out of Donald Trump’s phony voter fraud gambit

By Bill Palmer | Nov 10, 2020

Donald Trump’s trail of evil

By Robert Harrington | Nov 10, 2020

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