New York State targets Trump Organization CFO on its way to taking Donald Trump down

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Department of Homeland Security throws Donald Trump under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Donald Trump’s “voter fraud” witness admits in court that he’s full of it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Government of Scotland eyes Donald Trump for potential money laundering

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

This can’t happen again

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Donald Trump begins laying people off, privately admits it’s over for him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Donald Trump is an international flight risk

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

How Donald Trump slinks away

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

ICE vanishes from Twitter as Donald Trump circles the drain [Updated]

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Joe Biden gets congratulations from Pope Francis, as Donald Trump retweets Scott Baio

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Lindsey Graham tells Donald Trump to begin the transition to Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

GOP antics grow stranger as Donald Trump circles the drain

By James Sullivan | Nov 12, 2020

Trump mega-donor Sheldon Adelson tells Donald Trump it’s over

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Rudy Giuliani has a whole new problem

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Donald Trump’s “golden goose” is cooked

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Just call it already

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Donald Trump blames Fox News for his loss – and may have just given something away

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Donald Trump, the “kingmaker” of Cell Block D

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have taken the Twitter balance of power away from Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Wisconsin audits its ballots and Donald Trump ends up losing votes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Even John Bolton says it’s over for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Arizona is off the table for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump’s delusional 2024 fantasy is working in our favor

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

This 2020 cautionary tale

By Robert Harrington | Nov 11, 2020

GOP Senator gives Donald Trump deadline for starting Biden transition

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Told you Donald Trump was only pretending to “contest” the election so he could pocket the money

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

Donald Trump’s Pennsylvania state legislature fantasy crashes and burns

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden introduces his White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 11, 2020

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