Tim Allen flames out after Donald Trump loses

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Governor Andrew Cuomo slams Donald Trump over vaccine, says Trump is under criminal investigation in New York

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

General John Kelly tells Donald Trump to get on with it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

One of the “dead” voters touted by Donald Trump just turned up alive

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump just mailed it in

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump holds disastrous press conference, almost admits Joe Biden won, catches himself

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Well that just blew up in Bill Barr’s face

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

How the Democrats can retain control of the House in 2022

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Charles Koch admits it’s over for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Major networks all call Georgia for Joe Biden ahead of Donald Trump’s press conference meltdown

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Mike Pence has given up the ghost

By James Sullivan | Nov 13, 2020

Oh good, here comes Donald Trump’s Rose Garden press conference from hell

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump is “dismayed” that it’s all falling apart for him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump is now officially in hiding

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump has lost – and not just in the United States

By Robert Harrington | Nov 13, 2020

Even Geraldo Rivera says it’s over for his pal Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump has made a huge mistake

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump’s dangerous last gasps

By Shirley Kennedy | Nov 13, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

The long arm of the law is coming for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Transition to Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Another door just closed for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

This is a complete farce

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Like clockwork

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Donald Trump has been stunned into silence

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

E. Jean Carroll’s court case advances after Donald Trump loses

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Trump stooge John Cornyn goes off the deep end as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

Turns out Donald Trump’s coronavirus stunts were even more deranged than we thought

By Bill Palmer | Nov 12, 2020

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