The math is far worse for Donald Trump than you think

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Trump stooge Ron DeSantis goes completely off the rails

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Donald Trump is out of options

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Trump isn’t even trying to keep up the illusion anymore

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Even Fox News had had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Federal judge delivers serious blow to Donald Trump’s acting DHS chief Chad Wolf

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Donald Trump is going out with a whimper

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

It’s slipping away from Donald Trump already

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

America’s approval rating around the world has already skyrocketed thanks to President-elect Joe Biden

By James Sullivan | Nov 14, 2020

Donald Trump has found a way to make himself an even bigger loser

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany goes completely off the deep end after Donald Trump loses

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s “Million MAGA March” turns out to be a bust

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Donald Trump screams “EXPOSE THE CRIME” and gives something away as the end nears for him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

President Joe Biden will move quickly on this

By Ron Leshnower | Nov 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s pardon paradox

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Twitter is just pummeling Donald Trump at this point

By Bill Palmer | Nov 14, 2020

Donald Trump’s lawyers are bailing on him at a record pace

By Shirley Kennedy | Nov 13, 2020

No wonder Donald Trump lost

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Even Donald Trump’s DHS stooge Chad Wolf is defying him at this point

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Michael Cohen kicks dirt on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Trump stooge Lou Dobbs goes completely off the deep end as Donald Trump circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump just put down the last of his chips on Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

The downfall of the Republican Party

By Robert Harrington | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump is waving the white flag

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Here’s what will happen when Donald Trump starts pardoning everyone

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

Donald Trump is broke, depressed and afraid of going to prison

By TR Kenneth | Nov 13, 2020

Just ignore the bloviating baby

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 13, 2020

New York Attorney General Tish James rips Donald Trump to pieces

By Bill Palmer | Nov 13, 2020

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