House Oversight Committee formally targets GSA Administrator Emily Murphy

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Ivanka Trump angrily lashes out after New York expands criminal probe into Trump Organization

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Rachel Maddow returns to the air and reveals powerful personal story about coronavirus

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

New York State is criminally targeting Donald Trump over payments to Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

FBI reportedly targeting Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Nikki Haley just got destroyed

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Federal judge rules against Donald Trump in Georgia, clears way for Joe Biden victory certification

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Joe Biden wins the day

By Robert Harrington | Nov 19, 2020

President Biden has picked his Treasury Secretary

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s White House meeting with Michigan GOP officials

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

GOP unravels as Donald Trump circles the drain

By James Sullivan | Nov 19, 2020

GSA Administrator Emily Murphy’s antics are starting to crumble

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden meets with several Republican Governors, as GOP begins to move on from Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Rudy Giuliani is melting before our eyes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Donald Trump’s collapse

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020


By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Here’s the thing about Donald Trump’s vote total

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Donald Trump is out of gas

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Nothing is going Donald Trump’s way

By Shirley Kennedy | Nov 19, 2020

These numbers aren’t right

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Did Joe Biden just pull a fast one?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Joe Biden just nailed it

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Donald Trump swings and misses

By Daniel Cotter | Nov 19, 2020

What are the odds?

By Bill Palmer | Nov 18, 2020

Things just got even uglier for Donald Trump in Georgia

By Bill Palmer | Nov 18, 2020

This is a total blowout

By Bill Palmer | Nov 18, 2020

The Donald Trump regime just blinked on transition

By Bill Palmer | Nov 18, 2020

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