Donald Trump and his family are crashing and burning tonight

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Suck it up, Donald!

By James Sullivan | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s Michigan legislature head fake

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

GSA Administrator Emily Murphy circles the drain

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s financial partner hangs him out to dry after election loss

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump’s failed Michigan legislator stunt just got even uglier for him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Twitter confirms it’s going to take @POTUS account from Donald Trump and give it to Joe Biden

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Arizona’s Maricopa County unanimously certifies its election results, defying Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

“Only the best people”

By Robert Harrington | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump slipped up during today’s press conference and admitted he lost

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Michigan’s Republican legislators publicly reject Donald Trump’s conspiracies after meeting with him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump Jr. tests positive for coronavirus as Donald Trump’s world falls apart

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump mistakenly thanks his sister for defending him, when it’s really a Betty Trump parody account

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany has to go to prison for this

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Yep, Donald Trump is going down like Al Capone

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump melts down during ridiculous press conference

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Insiders confirm Donald Trump’s Michigan stunt is all for show and has zero chance of working

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Everyone at Rudy Giuliani’s press conference yesterday was exposed to coronavirus by Andrew Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Michigan Attorney General hints state legislators could face criminal punishment for Trump meeting

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Vladimir Putin is in real trouble

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Donald Trump must go to prison

By Robert Harrington | Nov 20, 2020

What’s really going on here

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden is already making an impact on COVID

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

The walls are closing in on Donald Trump by the hour

By Bill Palmer | Nov 20, 2020

Twitter cracks down on Republican Party’s official account

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Senator Mitt Romney and Senator Ben Sasse both rip Donald Trump a new one

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Donald Trump admits he lost

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

Tucker Carlson finally throws a sinking Donald Trump all the way under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Nov 19, 2020

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