Donald Trump, melting down in fear of recount, mocks the “so-called popular vote”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2016

Desperate to distract from recounts, Donald Trump randomly claims three states cheated him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2016

Wisconsin officials struggle to explain all the fake Donald Trump votes posted on election night

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2016

Donald Trump’s latest deranged rant gives Electoral College more fuel for reversal

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2016

Donald Trump’s panicked Twitter meltdown reveals the recount has him worried

By Bill Palmer | Nov 27, 2016

Donald Trump’s inevitable midnight Twitter meltdown over the recounts has begun

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Donald Trump campaign’s panicked reaction to recounts speaks volumes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Google Maps currently refers to Trump Tower as “Dump Tower”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Michigan officials say they’re prepping for Jill Stein’s recount; Hillary Clinton is on board

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Donald Trump’s staffers begin trying to cover their own asses ahead of recount

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Donald Trump still doesn’t appear to know the election was rigged in his favor

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Wisconsin officials now trying to blame Donald Trump’s vote-padding on “modem error”

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

As Donald Trump remains in hiding, his team begins whining about the recount

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

As Hillary Clinton signs onto Wisconsin recount, evidence says it was rigged for Trump

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton, after smartly letting the mandate come to her, joins Wisconsin recount

By Bill Palmer | Nov 26, 2016

Donald Trump’s total silence about the impending recount speaks volumes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

Donald Trump’s first act as “president elect” – building Trump hotels on two foreign continents

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

The “fake news” trend is over. Facebook’s new problem: false accusations of fake news.

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

Donald Trump demands that would-be cabinet pick Mitt Romney publicly apologize to him

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

Constitutional scholar Lawrence Lessig urges Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

Ahead of recount, Wisconsin has already wiped out 5,000 imaginary Donald Trump votes

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

It’s official: Jill Stein and Rocky de la Fuente have filed for a recount in Wisconsin

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

Everything we know about Jill Stein’s recount effort and Hillary Clinton’s odds of winning

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

Three Wisconsin precincts revise vote totals after caught padding Donald Trump’s numbers

By Bill Palmer | Nov 25, 2016

Hillary Clinton returns to Twitter, posts messages of support from her fans

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2016

Jill Stein seeks local volunteers for impending state recounts that may help Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2016

Donald Trump doesn’t want the job, has begun refusing his daily intelligence briefings

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2016

Hillary Clinton will be President if she wins recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania

By Bill Palmer | Nov 24, 2016

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