Officials in Michigan certified election results despite knowing vote totals didn’t add up

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2016

Hillary Clinton vs Donald Trump: Pennsylvania now just 0.22% away from statewide recount

By Bill Palmer | Dec 7, 2016

Blue Dog Democrats not yet ready to play dead

By Kevin Spann | Dec 6, 2016

Michigan officials admit majority of Detroit vote counting machines broke on Election Day

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

Before recount, Hillary Clinton has already caught up by 26,317 votes in Pennsylvania

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

Chaos: Michigan court rules recount must end, as Federal court rules it must continue

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

Michigan recount: officials admit 87 vote counting machines broke in Detroit on Election Day

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

Michigan recount: officials admit majority of Detroit precincts have incorrect ballot totals

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

Michigan recount has exposed thoroughly inept and suspicious original counting process

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

Palmer Report inaccurately attacked by random woman on her knitting blog

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

Attorney suing for Florida recount asks Hillary Clinton voters for affidavits

By Bill Palmer | Dec 6, 2016

No, the Electoral College will not magically elect John Kasich as President

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2016

Republican Electoral College member from Texas says he’s voting against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2016

Corrupt Pennsylvania officials caught illegally turning away recount affidavits

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2016

With Michigan hand recount underway, Jill Stein focuses on “blank” ballots in Detroit

By Bill Palmer | Dec 5, 2016

It’s on: federal judge orders Michigan recount to start immediately

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Donald Trump invents imaginary word “euphenism” to explain his lies about Carrier jobs

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Wisconsin recount: Waukesha County officials caught illegally hiding ballots from observers

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

New Yorkers: Jill Stein to hold recount protest outside Trump Tower on Monday morning

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Pennsylvania officials caught price-gouging voters who try to fill out recount affidavits

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Wisconsin recount observer says Waukesha County is double-counting Donald Trump votes

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Hundreds of disputed votes in Milwaukee already uncovered by Wisconsin recount

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Clueless Donald Trump claims Pennsylvania recount effort is finished. Wrong!

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Tampered seals on Wisconsin vote counting machines now being blamed on “modems”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Despite legal battles, Michigan recount on track to begin either Monday or Wednesday

By Bill Palmer | Dec 4, 2016

Watch Saturday Night Live skewer Donald Trump for retweeting high school kid

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2016

Jill Stein escalates Pennsylvania recount fight to federal court, may need more donations

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2016

It’s still on: Jill Stein filing emergency federal court case to force Pennsylvania recount

By Bill Palmer | Dec 3, 2016

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