Every Rockettes dancer at Donald Trump’s inauguration will be white

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

President Obama and Eric Holder reveal plans to fix gerrymandering nationwide

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes throws down gauntlet on media repeating Donald Trump’s false claims

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

School board dumps Donald Trump surrogate who made racist remarks about the Obamas

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

After bipartisan U.S. moves against Russia, Donald Trump finally agrees to intel briefing

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

Donald Trump campaign advisor Carter Page now appears to be Russian government agent

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

Russia responds to President Obama’s crippling sanctions by tweeting a meme at him

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

John McCain and Lindsey Graham strongly endorse President Obama’s Russia sanctions

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

President Obama expels Russian diplomats, backing Donald Trump into a no-win corner

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

Israeli police will investigate and interrogate Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery and fraud

By Bill Palmer | Dec 29, 2016

Hours after John Kerry speech, Israel launches criminal probe into Benjamin Netanyahu

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2016

Hillary Clinton is Gallup’s 2016 most admired woman in America, for 15th year in a row

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2016

Gallup: Barack Obama is still America’s most admired man; Donald Trump isn’t even close

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2016

Donald Trump wants to send a man to the moon. Does he know we’ve already done that?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2016

‪Donald Trump admits President Obama has put up “roadblocks” to his ascendancy‬

By Bill Palmer | Dec 28, 2016

Donald Trump’s Twitter meltdown is so complete, he’s thanking himself in the third person

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2016

Donald Trump’s New York hotel is losing huge business to Robert De Niro’s nearby hotel

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2016

President Obama aims to cripple Putin and Russia in a way Donald Trump can’t undo

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2016

It gets worse: tax records say Donald Trump has multiple Trump Foundations

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2016

Lindsey Graham suggests entire Senate wants Russia investigation but Mitch McConnell

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2016

Trump Tower evacuated over “suspicious package” which ended up being children’s toys

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2016

President Obama is baiting Donald Trump into going off the rails, and it’s working

By Bill Palmer | Dec 27, 2016

Donald Trump is still whining about the demise of his phony charity, misspelling words

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2016

Howard Dean thinks the left has a “sexism problem” – and he’s right

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2016

Delusional Donald Trump says he saved the world from being “gloomy”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2016

What is Donald Trump even talking about in his “good time” tweet about the United Nations?

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2016

Washington DC subway cards for Inauguration Day omit Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Dec 26, 2016

Donald Trump staff sex scandal: AJ Delgado claims Jason Miller is her “baby-daddy”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 25, 2016

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