You’re fired: many satellite subscribers blocked from seeing Celebrity Apprentice premiere

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2017

More evidence than ever that Donald Trump is flat broke

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2017

Start building your fallout shelters: Donald Trump is tweeting about nuclear weapons again

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2017

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu now accused of rigging his own election

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2017

CNN gives its book about Donald Trump a one-word title he infamously can’t spell

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2017

Psychologically broken Donald Trump still whining about the photos the media uses of him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2017

Mariah Carey’s New Years Eve performance was pathetic. So was the sexist response.

By Bill Palmer | Jan 2, 2017

Donald Trump’s staff is clearly afraid he’s about to crack

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

Professor demands “Kenyan” President Obama be impeached, deletes own Twitter account

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

Israel busts Benjamin Netanyahu for taking bribes – and the other shoe is about to drop

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

Wall Street Journal says it can’t call a Donald Trump a liar, for fear of looking biased

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

Morning Joe hosts face blowback after spotted at Donald Trump’s New Year’s Eve party

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

‪Donald Trump’s team begs people to stop making fun of Donald Trump‬

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

‪Protester against Dakota Access Pipeline hangs from rafters at NFL football game‬

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

‪Famous Washington DC mural of Presidents will not include Donald Trump‬

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

‪Donald Trump insists he has inside info on Russian election hacking, won’t tell anyone til Tuesday‬

By Bill Palmer | Jan 1, 2017

Donald Trump was lying about Quincy Jones attending his New Years party

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2016

Donald Trump sells New Years Eve pay-to-play access to himself, pockets money

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2016

Is Donald Trump broke? He’s “struggled” to come up with money for transition team salaries

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2016

Donald Trump angrily has security escort golfers off his golf course before New Years Eve

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2016

Donald Trump’s demented “Happy New Year” tweet is the worst thing you’ll read all year

By Bill Palmer | Dec 31, 2016

Mike Pence’s Chicago event hit by protesters, including gay lookalike “Mike Hot Pence”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2016

Watergate conspirator explains key to unraveling Trump-Putin: follow the money

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2016

Donald Trump sides with Russia against American media, thinks it’s “funny”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2016

Donald Trump’s pre-inauguration event hosts: a convicted felon and two alleged murderers

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2016

John McCain schedules Senate hearings on Russian hacking for next week

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2016

United States issues arrest warrants for two “most wanted” Russian hackers

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2016

Russian puppet Donald Trump sides with Russia on sanctions, calls Putin “very smart”

By Bill Palmer | Dec 30, 2016

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