Alec Baldwin trolls Donald Trump with Russian “Make America Great Again” hat

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

Donald Trump’s new Washington DC hotel hit by liens because he isn’t paying his bills

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

Vicente Fox fires back after Donald Trump flip flops on Mexican wall

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

Cowardly Donald Trump left Mike Pence to fend off reporters after airport shooting

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

Amid airport shooting, Florida Gov. Rick Scott called Donald Trump but not President Obama

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

Donald Trump’s tweet about Fort Lauderdale airport shooting didn’t even come from him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

Donald Trump appears to have been tweeting during a legal deposition on Thursday

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

Befuddled Donald Trump, after skipping intel briefings, asks “What is going on?”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

New York Times Editorial Board condemns Donald Trump for spewing “nonsense”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

Donald Trump is so flat broke, his debt is now held by 150 different companies

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

Donald Trump can’t get Mexico to pay for border wall, will ask U.S. taxpayers to pay for it

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

Donald Trump to force out all Obama-appointed foreign envoys before replacements arrive

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

After Donald Trump targets CIA, his senior advisor James Woolsey quits in protest

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

Yes, Donald Trump really is getting rid of the Obama White House swing set

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

Donald Trump vows to gut the CIA, presumably so it can’t further expose his Russia ties

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

Donald Trump was lying when he said reveal his Russian hacking revelation by yesterday

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

MSNBC gives weekday time slot to Fox News reject Greta Van Susteren over Joy-Ann Reid

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

Donald Trump is lying about Jackie Evancho’s album sales being helped by his inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 5, 2017

California hires former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to fight Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 4, 2017

Donald Trump sides with cyberterrorist Julian Assange, refers to him as “Julian Assuage”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 4, 2017

Joy-Ann Reid successfully badgers the media into correcting its Donald Trump headlines

By Bill Palmer | Jan 4, 2017

What the bleep does this new Donald Trump tweet about “Russian hacking” even mean?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 4, 2017

Chuck Schumer vows to keep vacant Supreme Court seat empty for next four years

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2017

Donald Trump’s Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions has NAACP president arrested

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2017

The owner of the Rockettes is really sad that his dancers oppose Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2017

Hillary Clinton is attending Trump’s inauguration. Good. That means she’s not finished yet.

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2017

World’s worst reality show: Donald Trump hires Apprentice contestant for White House job

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2017

Megyn Kelly moves from Fox News to NBC after keeping secret about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 3, 2017

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Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer