Trump-friendly con artist caught plotting inauguration violence so protesters would be blamed

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Senate Democrats, Ethics Office push back against Donald Trump’s cabinet hearings

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

“This is serious:” Greta Van Susteren pushes Trump advisor hard in MSNBC debut

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Donald Trump tweets a pic of himself with Ronald and Nancy Reagan. They both hated him.

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Duck and cover: Donald Trump is ousting the guy in charge of U.S. nuclear weapons security

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Ballgowns pile up on DC store shelves because no one is attending Donald Trump’s inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Is he high? Donald Trump, at end of twelve hour Twitter meltdown, yells “Media is fake!”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Human trash can Kellyanne Conway blames Americans for believing Donald Trump’s words

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Donald Trump, who was in three porn films, thinks Meryl Streep is an overrated actress

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Watch Hugh Laurie’s Golden Globes victory speech mocking Donald Trump and Republicans

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Donald Trump’s team of snowflake advisors reduced to whining about a lack of “respect”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Classy Meryl Streep sends Donald Trump into whining rage without even mentioning his name

By Bill Palmer | Jan 9, 2017

Alec Baldwin rips into “witless thug” Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2017

Donald Trump caught lying about Kellyanne Conway’s Meet The Press debacle

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2017

Freudian slip: Sean Hannity tweets that Americans must “Make Russia Great Again”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2017

Twitter bans Martin Shkreli for harassing acclaimed Teen Vogue writer Lauren Duca

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2017

Rachel Maddow calls Donald Trump a liar, and all he can do is whine about it

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2017

Boo hoo: Donald Trump whines after Meet The Press dumps 90% of Kellyanne Conway interview

By Bill Palmer | Jan 8, 2017

Alec Baldwin is taking virtually no salary for portraying Donald Trump on SNL

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Donald Trump announced today that two-thirds of Americans are “stupid people”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s tweet about Great Britain murders the English language

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

House Republicans killed Flint Michigan water investigation while you weren’t looking

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s National Security pick wrote book that plagiarized Wikipedia and Fox News

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Longtime U.S. ally Jordan threatens Donald Trump with “catastrophic” consequences

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Mexico’s former President Vicente Fox just keeps trolling “Señor Trump” on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s “happy birthday” tweet to his son Eric Trump was posted by his staff

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Donald Trump announces that majority of Americans are “stupid” and “fools”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 7, 2017

Coke is it? Donald Trump has been ranting on Twitter for seventeen hours straight

By Bill Palmer | Jan 6, 2017

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