IHOP retweets horrible message about Hillary Clinton for no apparent reason

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Russian media outlet completely changes headline about Donald Trump after he denies it

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

SNL: Donald Trump dodges “Pee Pee Tape” and says “We’re all going to die”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Donald Trump flip flops, asks DC National Guard chief to stay past inauguration, but chief refuses

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Donald Trump assumed Congressman John Lewis represents a poor black ghetto. He’s wrong.

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Alec Baldwin teases Donald Trump in a Russian hotel room for SNL cold open tonight

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Alec Baldwin to lead protest rally against Donald Trump outside Trump Tower

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Hapless Donald Trump has now been timidly whining about John Lewis for twelve hours

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Toronto newspaper warns that “U.S. style misogyny” may creep into Canada

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

3 Doors Down threw a guy out for hitting a woman. How can they perform for Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Jennifer Holliday bails on Donald Trump inauguration, apologizes, sides with John Lewis

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

Something’s very strange about Donald Trump’s plan to fire National Guard chief during inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 14, 2017

T-shirts now being sold that say Donald Trump is “Not My President” in Russian

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

We’re all going to die: China is already threatening military action against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Have fun: CBS wants you to leave a voicemail about what you think of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Confirmed: FBI ignored Trump-Russia because it was too obsessed with Hillary Clinton’s emails

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Beauty queen says Donald Trump tried to seduce her at Russian hotel

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Nancy Pelosi told off James Comey to his face today in front of a room full of people

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Congressman John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a “legitimate president”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

City of Biloxi in hot water after referring to Martin Luther King Day as “Great Americans Day”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Donald Trump taps racist Family Feud host Steve Harvey to rebuild inner cities (no, really)

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Internet explodes with jokes as Donald Trump says Toby Keith is his inauguration headliner

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Donald Trump’s previous stance on why he liked to visit Russia: “The girls have no morals”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

Donald Trump reportedly using paid seat fillers at his empty inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 13, 2017

America strikes back? The Russian TV station that hijacked C-SPAN is now off the air

By Bill Palmer | Jan 12, 2017

FEC fingers Donald Trump for $19 million in illegal fundraising

By Bill Palmer | Jan 12, 2017

CIA now says there’s more than one tape of Donald Trump with Russian prostitutes

By Bill Palmer | Jan 12, 2017

Unable to get inauguration performers, Donald Trump books Bruce Springsteen cover band

By Bill Palmer | Jan 12, 2017

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