Donald Trump is now illegally trying to sell magazine subscriptions to Golf Digest

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos wants guns in schools, to protect from “grizzlies”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Iranian President Rouhani trolls Donald Trump for being all talk and no action

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly admits his approval rating is in the toilet

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Apprentice star sues Donald Trump one day before sexist Apprentice tape supposedly to leak

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Summer Zervos sues Donald Trump, says she’ll drop suit if he admits he sexually assaulted her

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Alleged sexual assault victim Summer Zervos files lawsuit against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s ill fated “Dr. Goodspine” tweet creates havoc

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Right wing nutjobs are pretty sure Donald Trump’s filthy Apprentice tape will leak Wednesday

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2017

If this float is from Donald Trump’s inauguration parade, it’s the saddest thing ever

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2017

Donald Trump says after he’s sworn in, he’ll immediately take three days off

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2017

Donald Trump creates international incident by tweeting the wrong Ivanka

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2017

Donald Trump parts ways with Monica Crowley, loses third senior advisor in three weeks

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2017

Donald Trump goes meekly quiet on Martin Luther King Day

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2017

Bruce Springsteen tribute band cancels on Donald Trump inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 16, 2017

CIA, FBI, NSA got secret warrant in October to probe Russian funding of Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Mentally incompetent Donald Trump flip-flops on nuclear arms race

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Mexico’s Vicente Fox to Donald Trump: “There’s only one reason” the U.S. is divided

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Donald Trump tanks German interview, trashes German Chancellor, picks fight with BMW

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Donald Trump, in full scale meltdown, accuses CIA Director of leaking Russian pee pee

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

TV Guide editor taunts Donald Trump for belated Twitter meltdown after latest SNL episode

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Book by John Lewis surges to #1 Bestseller spot after he takes stand against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Paul Anka cancels his planned “My Way” performance at Donald Trump inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Amid John Lewis spat, Donald Trump abruptly cancels visit to African-American History Museum

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Donald Trump now reduced to begging people to take inauguration tickets off his hands

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Donald Trump steps in it, invokes Watergate while trying to fend off his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Israeli intelligence says there’s more dirt to come on Donald Trump and Russia

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

Political journalist says she was offered cash bribe to publish story favoring Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 15, 2017

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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer

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Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer