Close ally of Vladimir Putin is attending Donald Trump’s inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Donald Trump is about to learn the hard way that the presidency isn’t a magic wand

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Donald Trump’s inauguration concert was tonight, and almost no one attended

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Rep. Elijah Cummings has a brilliant strategy for getting Trump-Russia intel declassified

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Donald Trump says DC hotels are sold out for his inauguration. Expedia says otherwise.

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Donald Trump can’t find anyone, forced to retain fifty of President Obama’s top staffers

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Donald Trump’s “notepad” photo was taken at some woman’s desk at an auction house (updated)

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Oops: Donald Trump team says Kanye West is not “American” enough to perform at inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 19, 2017

Washington DC hotels aren’t even close to selling out for Donald Trump’s inauguration

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Massive pro-LGBT dance party protest going on right now outside Mike Pence’s house

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Betsy DeVos claims she had no idea she’s been VP of an anti-gay foundation for 17 years

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Misguided protesters in Washington DC create panic by dressing up as KKK

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Six federal agencies jointly investigating Kremlin funding of Donald Trump campaign

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Is the KKK already turning out in full force in Washington DC to support Donald Trump inauguration?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

The bikers Donald Trump thinks are headed to his inauguration? That’s a photo from 2013

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Donald Trump really, really wants you to think he’s writing his inauguration on this notepad

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

NBC confirms Donald Trump isn’t actually creating U.S. jobs, and Trump goes berserk

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Prankster rebrands the Donald Trump inauguration port-a-potties as “Trump Tower”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

After Donald Trump tweets the wrong Ivanka, she replies by lecturing him on the issues

By Bill Palmer | Jan 18, 2017

Man sets himself on fire outside of Donald Trump’s hotel in Washington DC

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

It sounds a lot like Vladimir Putin is taunting Donald Trump about his prostitutes

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Keystone Komrades: Trump and Putin can’t keep their lies straight about whether they’ve met

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Donald Trump puts up hideous Jumbotron blocking Lincoln Memorial

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

It’s going to rain on Donald Trump’s inauguration parade, literally

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Donald Trump is now illegally trying to sell magazine subscriptions to Golf Digest

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos wants guns in schools, to protect from “grizzlies”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Iranian President Rouhani trolls Donald Trump for being all talk and no action

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

Donald Trump unwittingly admits his approval rating is in the toilet

By Bill Palmer | Jan 17, 2017

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