Greenpeace installs giant “RESIST” banner over the White House in protest of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2017

Donald Trump displays inauguration photo in White House press room with wrong date on it

By Bill Palmer | Jan 25, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu: the Donald Trump administration just “makes shit up”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Donald Trump now says he can’t “enjoy” being president. Why doesn’t he just resign?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

National Park Service launches unofficial Twitter account that Donald Trump can’t touch

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

U.S. Congressman Ted Lieu just can’t stop trolling Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu moves to revoke Donald Trump’s authority over nuclear weapons

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

EPA employees are rebelling against Trump EPA nominee Scott Pruitt by leaking everything

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Internet mocks fake president Donald Trump after he makes up fake word “Amoung”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Mark Hamill posts hilarious Luke Skywalker Star Wars meme about Trump’s “alternative facts”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

White House aides admit Donald Trump went berserk over the Women’s March

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Golden Gate joins Badlands National Park in defying Donald Trump by tweeting about climate change

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Latest Donald Trump hissy fit: Badlands National Park forced to delete climate change tweets

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Massive protest outside White House right now against Donald Trump’s DAPL pipeline

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Badlands National Park goes rogue on Twitter, defies Donald Trump on DAPL and climate change

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

CIA agents stood for Donald Trump’s entire speech because he never said they could sit down

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

After Piers Morgan attacks Women’s March, Ewan McGregor cancels appearance with him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

The moment we’ve all been waiting for: Alec Baldwin to officially host Saturday Night Live

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Donald Trump is done with Kellyanne Conway, hands her off to Mike Pence’s office

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

After “alternative facts” meltdown, Kellyanne Conway says she’ll limit her TV appearances

By Bill Palmer | Jan 24, 2017

Donald Trump was “visibly enraged” while watching Women’s March on television

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

Kellyanne Conway punched a man in the face at inaugural brawl; Scott Baio also involved

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

Donald Trump aides say Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer trying to force each other out

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

Teachers are seeing (and wearing) red in protest of Secretary of Education pick Betsy DeVos

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

Sean Spicer steps in it, says it’s okay for Trump White House to “disagree with the facts”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

White House aides fear Donald Trump will get “bored” and “watch TV” instead of doing job

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

White House admits protests, pushback are “demoralizing” for fragile Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

Huh? Donald Trump signs proclamation making his inauguration a “Day of Patriotic Devotion”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 23, 2017

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