Hundreds of State Department employees formally file dissent memo against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

Prepare to fight: Donald Trump preparing sweeping anti-LGBT executive order

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

‪Acting Attorney General Sally Yates instructs DOJ to defy Donald Trump’s Muslim ban‬

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

After backlash, Donald Trump re-adds Judicial Branch to White House website

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

Protesters will march to Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago during his Florida vacation this weekend

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

“We will hunt monsters:” watch David Harbour’s fierce SAG speech about American inclusivity

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

House and Senate Democrats are fiercely fighting against Donald Trump. It’s time we noticed.

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

The ACLU has received more donations in the past two days than in the past five years

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

After just two weeks on the job, Donald Trump will take a vacation to Florida

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

Homeland Security leaks embarrassing details about Donald Trump in retaliation for Muslim ban

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

Kellyanne Conway admits the Resistance has put “seeping wounds” in Donald Trump team

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

Senior White House official: Donald Trump’s botched Muslim ban is “Keystone Cops” fiasco

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

With the nation erupting around him, aide says Donald Trump watched “Finding Dory” today

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

As he’s being buried by a Constitutional crisis, Donald Trump warns of “World War III”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

U.S. Marshals could end up arresting Border Patrol agents siding with Trump’s Muslim ban

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

White House leak: Reince Priebus and Mike Pence suspect Putin is blackmailing Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

White House insider: Muslim ban reversal has Donald Trump “fuming” and “fully overwhelmed”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 29, 2017

Sean Spicer inexplicably tweets a video about himself from The Onion

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

Alec Baldwin: “Trump’s gotta go.”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

Donald Trump adds Steve Bannon to National Security Council, removes Chairman of Joint Chiefs

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

Protesters cheer as judge issues ruling freeing Muslims detained in airports by Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

Insider: Donald Trump’s top advisors now believe he’s misleading them on Russia blackmail

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

Congressmen go to JFK airport, secure release of Iraqi hero detained by Trump’s Muslim ban

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

Russian intel agent, who leaked Donald Trump’s prostitute blackmail, found dead in back of car

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

White House leaker: Donald Trump plans to order IRS to end its audit of him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 28, 2017

White House insider: Donald Trump thinks his own staff is committing “mutiny” against him

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2017

Did Donald Trump just get a U.S. asset in Russia killed to protect his Pee Pee Tape?

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2017

Insider: Donald Trump, exasperated by protesters, yells “Don’t they know I’m the f—ing president?”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 27, 2017

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