Kellyanne Conway blames Muslim immigrants for “Bowling Green Massacre.” There’s no such thing.

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Vladimir Putin poisons political opponent, kills two U.S. intel assets, in wake of Trump’s weakness

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Kellyanne Conway smacks Steve Bannon after he inappropriately touches her

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Donald Trump wasn’t even in Situation Room for his botched Yemen raid that killed Navy SEAL

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Watergate 2.0: White House killed recording of Donald Trump’s phone call with Vladimir Putin

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Trump’s White House invents Iranian attack on U.S. ship; Pentagon admits it never happened

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Puppet master: Russia’s FSB announced Donald Trump was lifting sanctions before he did

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

By lifting sanctions on Russia’s FSB, Donald Trump just proved he’s a Russian intel asset

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Bank that’s keeping Donald Trump afloat gets busted for Russian money laundering scheme

By Bill Palmer | Feb 2, 2017

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch started a “Fascism Forever” club in his youth

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2017

Donald Trump didn’t know U.S.-Australia deal existed until Prime Minister told him about it

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2017

Donald Trump allegedly sent ex-wife Ivana Trump to negotiate blackmail video with Russia

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2017

Unhinged Donald Trump angrily threatened Prime Minister of Australia and hung up on him

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2017

Russian oil exec found dead after caught bribing Donald Trump to lift U.S. sanctions

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2017

Donald Trump and Sean Spicer both have no idea who Frederick Douglass is

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2017

Yes, Steve Bannon really does need Senate approval for National Security Council appointment

By Bill Palmer | Feb 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s son in law Jared Kushner has meltdown over shrinking White House influence

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Jilted Chris Christie holds press conference, slams Donald Trump’s bumbling White House

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Sean Spicer accidentally leaves his private notes behind after briefing; reporters snag them

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

‪Detroit woman dies after Donald Trump’s Muslim ban prevents her from getting medical treatment‬

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Senate Democrats ready to filibuster Trump’s extremist Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Paul Ryan’s press conference ends with disastrous outburst: “Waste of my f—ing time!”

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Donald Trump allegedly used Apprentice-style Supreme Court nominee selection process

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

California Senator launches investigation into Melania Trump’s illegal immigration records

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

White House insider: Steve Bannon made racist remarks about Supreme Court pick

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Former Trump Organization executive: Donald Trump is mentally ill, has been for decades

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Insiders: Donald Trump’s crazy National Security Advisor Michael Flynn already self destructing

By Bill Palmer | Jan 31, 2017

Donald Trump didn’t realize Steve Bannon needs Senate confirmation for National Security Council

By Bill Palmer | Jan 30, 2017

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