Insider: Donald Trump “fully rabid” after Muslim ban struck down, threatening to fire people

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2017

Donald Trump takes devastating body blow as Appeals Court cuts down his Muslim ban

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2017

Donald Trump abruptly fires White House cybersecurity chief, has him escorted out of building

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2017

So many people reported Kellyanne Conway to Office of Government Ethics, its website crashed

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2017

The hidden good news in the Donald Trump – Ivanka Trump – Nordstrom debacle

By Bill Palmer | Feb 9, 2017

Senator Daylin Leach surges in popularity after calling Donald Trump a “loofa-faced shit-gibbon”

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

Insider: Donald Trump furious with Kellyanne Conway for admitting CNN isn’t fake news

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

Insider: Donald Trump considering withdrawing Neil Gorsuch from Supreme Court

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

If liberals are going to defeat Donald Trump, they need to stop being ignorant about politics

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu is attempting to install a psychiatrist in Donald Trump’s White House

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

Impeach him: Donald Trump uses government platform to defend Ivanka’s crappy clothing line

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

Donald Trump’s own Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch criticizes him for attacking judges

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

PA Senator Daylin Leach to Donald Trump: come at me, “you fascist loofa-faced shit-gibbon”

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

‪Sean Spicer’s personal email address and phone number leak after he declined $10 security measure‬

By Bill Palmer | Feb 8, 2017

Jeff Merkley reads same letter aloud as Elizabeth Warren; sexist coward Mitch McConnell silent

By Bill Palmer | Feb 7, 2017

The bizarre Donald Trump White House sex scandal that caused two senior advisors to quit

By Bill Palmer | Feb 7, 2017

After sex scandal and SNL debacle, Donald Trump already on his third Communications Director

By Bill Palmer | Feb 7, 2017

Jake Tapper and CNN are now trying like hell to get Kellyanne Conway fired

By Bill Palmer | Feb 7, 2017

Mitch McConnell tries to censor Elizabeth Warren for reading Coretta Scott King letter aloud

By Bill Palmer | Feb 7, 2017

Donald Trump takes away Sean Spicer’s “Communications Director” title after SNL debacle

By Bill Palmer | Feb 7, 2017

Trump administration posts list of terror attacks, misspells U.S. city, repeatedly misspells “attackers”

By Bill Palmer | Feb 7, 2017

Rosie O’Donnell is willing to play Steve Bannon on Saturday Night Live

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2017

Donald Trump has soured on “weak” Sean Spicer because a woman played him on SNL

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2017

‪Donald Trump’s increasingly suspicious tweets suggest he may be planning a phony terrorist attack‬

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2017

CNN goes to war with Kellyanne Conway after she lies about interview being dumped

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2017

Twitter Inc. takes legal action in court against its most infamous user, Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2017

Is Donald Trump laying the groundwork for removing embattled Steve Bannon from the NSC?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2017

United Kingdom bans Donald Trump from addressing Parliament

By Bill Palmer | Feb 6, 2017

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