U.S. intel agencies are keeping top secrets from Donald Trump’s Russia-tainted White House

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2017

Republican Party busted for tweeting fake quote from Abraham Lincoln

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2017

‪If Michael Flynn isn’t fired over Russia on Monday, it means Donald Trump is going down with him‬

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2017

Confirmed: the U.S. intel community is still working to take down Donald Trump over Russia

By Bill Palmer | Feb 12, 2017

Leslie Jones as Trump: the SNL sketch that just finished off Donald Trump’s fragile psyche

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

Donald Trump reportedly interviews Sean Spicer’s replacement; Spicer lashes out online

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

SNL: Alec Baldwin’s Donald Trump sues federal judges on the People’s Court

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

SNL depicts Kellyanne Conway as knife-wielding stalker who tries to murder CNN’s Jake Tapper

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

SNL: Sean Spicer plays with dolls, Jeff Sessions is also portrayed by a woman

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

Did Donald Trump secretly meet with a Russian oligarch today in Florida?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

The malicious cultural reason Donald Trump may be shaking Shinzo Abe’s hand so aggressively

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s alleged Russian email server communicated with Betsy DeVos-controlled company

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

While he golfs, Donald Trump puts reporters in basement with blacked out windows

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

Has Donald Trump’s new CIA Director already gone rogue against him over Russia scandal?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

Democrats hold James Comey’s FBI feet to the fire over Michael T. Flynn and Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

Federal judge says Donald Trump is not a legitimate president

By Bill Palmer | Feb 11, 2017

Confirmed: Donald Trump advisor Michael T. Flynn was colluding with Russia BEFORE election

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

CIA gets Michael T. Flynn’s top deputy fired, amid exploding Donald Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

Donald Trump fired White House cybersecurity chief last week, hasn’t replaced him, and he’s vanished

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

Donald Trump is scapegoating lunatic Michael Flynn over Russia – how will Flynn retaliate?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

Mike Pence throws National Security Advisor Michael Flynn under the Trump-Russia bus

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

U.S. intel confirms key details of Donald Trump – Russia “pee pee tape” blackmail report

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

Melania Trump absent from Abe Shinzo visit to DC after White House said she’d be there

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

White House insider: Donald Trump looking to replace Sean Spicer with Jeffrey Lord

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

Protesters physically block Betsy DeVos from entering public school

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

Donald Trump regime in total chaos as bigoted Solicitor General candidate abruptly drops out

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

National Security Advisor Michael Flynn caught lying about Russia, takes Mike Pence down with him

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

Donald Trump’s latest tweet about the New York Times proves he doesn’t – or can’t – read

By Bill Palmer | Feb 10, 2017

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