Dmitry Rybolovlev, who keeps flying in to meet Donald Trump, owned Russian money laundering bank

By Bill Palmer | Feb 28, 2017

Paul Manafort allegedly paid to set up 2012 meeting between Donald Trump and Kremlin rep

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2017

Donald Trump cabinet member and business associate co-owned Russian money laundering bank

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2017

GOP Senator Susan Collins can take down Donald Trump over Russia without help from her party

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2017

Paranoid Donald Trump had Sean Spicer inspect the phones of White House aides for leaks

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2017

Facing treason charges, conspirator admits Russia blackmail plan sent to Trump’s White House

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2017

George W. Bush joins the Resistance, wants answers on Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Feb 27, 2017

Meet the 32 people who have already controversially exited the Donald Trump administration

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2017

Reince Priebus and the long list of political allies Donald Trump has left for dead

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2017

Latest chapter in the Donald Trump Russia spy novel ends on shocking Darrell Issa cliffhanger

By Bill Palmer | Feb 26, 2017

The momentary calm before this week’s upcoming Donald Trump Russia scandal hurricane

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2017

DNC Chair Tom Perez and Deputy Chair Keith Ellison to Donald Trump: we’re your “worst nightmare”

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2017

Stephanie Hansen wins Delaware state senate race, as Democrats retain majority

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2017

Panicking over Russia scandal, Donald Trump cancels on White House Correspondents’ Dinner

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2017

Screw you Trump: the Democratic Party is now led by a Hispanic son of immigrants and a Muslim

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2017

Tom Perez wins DNC Chair election, appoints his opponent Keith Ellison as Deputy Chair

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2017

Fox News host Shep Smith defends CNN after Donald Trump bans it from White House briefing

By Bill Palmer | Feb 25, 2017

The Reince Priebus panic move suggests Trump-Russia scandal runs even deeper than imagined

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

I told you the Republicans in Congress would turn against Donald Trump if they had to

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Republican Darrell Issa calls for Trump-Russia special prosecutor, asks Jeff Sessions to recuse himself

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Donald Trump administration unwittingly confirms Reince Priebus pressured FBI over Russia

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Desperate Donald Trump tries to ban the news outlets that are exposing his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Reporters boycott White House press briefing after Donald Trump bans three major news outlets

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Why is Hillary Clinton positioning herself to work with whoever wins the DNC Chair election?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

John Dean, who covered up Watergate, says Trump White House is guilty of Russia coverup

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Reince Priebus is going down for Trump-Russia obstruction of justice. Who was he trying to protect?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Jill Stein had dinner with Vladimir Putin in Russia during the election. Was she paid to be there?

By Bill Palmer | Feb 24, 2017

Donald Trump advisor Sheriff David A. Clarke was in Russia while Michael Flynn dined with Putin

By Bill Palmer | Feb 23, 2017

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