Russian pal Dmitry Rybolovlev may have flown in yet again for Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago weekend

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Donald Trump’s wiretap tweets may have been distraction from Preibus-Bannon plane incident

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Apoplectic Donald Trump has Reince Priebus, Steve Bannon removed from Air Force One flight

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

James Comey is just covering FBI’s ass with wiretap rebuke, but it’s a bodyblow to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

FBI Director James Comey defends President Obama against Donald Trump’s false wiretap claim

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Trump Tower shut down its Russia email server just before FISA warrant was allegedly granted

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Trump Tower’s Russia email server was shut down three days before Carter Page quit campaign

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Alex Oronov, dead Trump-Russia conspirator, had just bought real estate from Mar-a-Lago members

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Associated Press refuses to back down after Mike Pence threatens it over his private email scandal

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu tells Donald Trump he’s in “deep shit” over Russia

By Bill Palmer | Mar 5, 2017

Andrey Artemenko claims his Trump-Russia co-conspirator Alex Oronov was killed because of it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

We have the tweets Donald Trump’s Russia conspirator Roger Stone deleted after melting down

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Trump-Russia conspirator Alex Oronov dies suspiciously; he lived in Donald Trump’s building

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Alex Oronov, organizer of Russia-Ukraine blackmail plan sent to Donald Trump, dies suspiciously

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House counsel caught improperly meddling in Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Jeff Sessions and Russian Ambassador both cancel Saturday plans, as Sessions flies to Mar-a-Lago

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Donald Trump appears to have illegally leaked classified info in his Trump Tower wiretap tweets

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Carter Page fires back, says Donald Trump was behind Russia conspiracy at GOP Convention

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Donald Trump panics over Russia: Jeff Sessions, Priebus, Bannon all huddled at Mar-a-Lago

By Bill Palmer | Mar 4, 2017

Vladimir Putin’s cataclysmic endgame once elevating Donald Trump proves to have been a mistake

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Trump-Russia fall guy Carter Page is being hauled before the Senate Intelligence Committee

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Donald Trump’s sinking White House can’t even get straight who it’s throwing under Russia bus

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Senate Intel Committee wants to meet with author of Trump-Russia dossier at his hiding place

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Russian Ambassador, Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn all snuck in via Trump Tower’s back door

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Donald Trump vows to investigate Democrats over Russia, misspells the same word two different ways

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Donald Trump campaign disavows Russian operative Carter Page, claims it’s been threatening to sue him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Confirmed: Jeff Sessions first introduced Russian operative Carter Page to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

Carter Page panics over Trump-Russia, inexplicably goes on MSNBC and admits culpability

By Bill Palmer | Mar 3, 2017

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