At time of firing, Preet Bharara was prosecuting a guy who operated out of Donald Trump’s building

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2017

During Trump campaign, Michael Flynn met with Turkish minister who does oil business with ISIS

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2017

Michael Flynn is absolutely screwing Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and he doesn’t care

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2017

Steve Bannon, or the drug dealer who lived in his house, destroyed his bathtub with acid

By Bill Palmer | Mar 12, 2017

The Michael Flynn – Turkey connection to Donald Trump’s sudden firing of Preet Bharara

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s top choice to replace Preet Bharara: Fox News attorney Marc Mukasey

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Dana Boente is the key to Trump-Russia, and Barack Obama and Donald Trump both know it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Preet Bharara was investigating Fox News when Sean Hannity urged Donald Trump to fire him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Turkey arrested Donald Trump’s business partner just days after it stopped paying Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Donald Trump appears to be lining up a replacement White House senior staff already

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions fire U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, who busted Russian spy ring

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Michael Flynn was paying FBI official who tried to sabotage Hillary Clinton during campaign

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Donald Trump hired massage therapist for key Department of Energy job; fired after racist remarks

By Bill Palmer | Mar 11, 2017

Turkey has asked for its money back from former Donald Trump adviser Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Sean Spicer wore an upside down U.S. flag pin and then threatened to pull Melissa McCarthy move

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Ukraine probes Trump manager Paul Manafort after his daughter accuses him of killing people

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Russia pinged Trump Tower’s Russian email server about once per hour throughout campaign

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

After watchdog asks U.S. attorney to launch Donald Trump probe, Jeff Sessions fires him

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Roger Stone now admits he communicated directly with Russian hacker who stole DNC emails

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Why is Donald Trump’s State Dept. using “diplomatic immunity” to protect a dead Russian?

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Woman sues Donald Trump’s golf course after it secretly records her peeing

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Mike Pence learned in November that Michael Flynn was a foreign agent, and he just lied about it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Donald Trump’s Russian Ambassador nominee Jon Huntsman Jr. has multimillion dollar ties to Russia

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Donald Trump administration suppresses cause of death of Russian UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin

By Bill Palmer | Mar 10, 2017

Russian intel officer flew in for Republican Convention to oversee Donald Trump’s platform change

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2017

Russian bank accessed Trump Tower’s Russian email server 2800 times during campaign

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2017

After James Comey meeting, Senator confirms “no evidence” Trump Tower was wiretapped

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2017

FBI still investigating Russian email server inside Trump Tower; Betsy DeVos connection confirmed

By Bill Palmer | Mar 9, 2017

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