Putin had Assad gas his own Syrian people so Donald Trump would have an excuse for war

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2017

Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch busted for plagiarism and failing to cite sources in his book

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2017

Roger Stone loses it, begins attacking Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2017

John McCain rips into “stupid idiot” Republican Senators over Neil Gorsuch confirmation

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2017

You’re (almost) fired: Donald Trump now saddled with crippling 34% approval rating

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2017

It’s time to put people out of their misery who yell “fake news” at real news articles

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2017

Preet Bharara was prosecuting Carter Page’s Russian spy handler when Donald Trump fired him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2017

Russian spy brags about how he first recruited Donald Trump’s campaign adviser Carter Page

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2017

Betsy DeVos’ brother secretly met with Vladimir Putin rep during Donald Trump transition

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2017

CNN hires reporter April Ryan after her head shaking showdown with Sean Spicer

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2017

Donald Trump and Russia: follow the money laundering

By Bill Palmer | Apr 3, 2017

Bernie Sanders must disclose what he knows about his campaign adviser Tad Devine and Russia

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2017

Donald Trump schedules, cancels private Washington D.C. meeting with Russian mafia godfather

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2017

Palmer Report: it’s time for me to get better at this.

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2017

Michael Flynn invited female Russian operative Svetlana Lokhova to accompany him to Moscow

By Bill Palmer | Apr 2, 2017

FBI targets Donald Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort for not registering as Russian foreign agent

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2017

‪No wonder he wants immunity: Michael Flynn lied about Russian payoff on White House disclosure forms‬

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2017

You bought him, you break him: regretful Donald Trump voters have a moral responsibility to oust him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s pal Roger Stone digs an even deeper hole with Russian hacker Guccifer 2.0

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2017

Former Republican Party Chairman says Donald Trump won’t finish his term

By Bill Palmer | Apr 1, 2017

Dmitry Rybolovlev didn’t fly into North Carolina to meet Donald Trump. It was the other way around.

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2017

President Obama’s secret preservation of Russia evidence set an obstruction trap for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2017

Senate Intel Committee takes control on Trump-Russia by rejecting Mike Flynn’s immunity request

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2017

FBI now pursuing Donald Trump campaign and Russia for targeting Hillary Clinton during primary season

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2017

Donald Trump holds Executive Order signing ceremony, leaves without signing it

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2017

Mike Flynn’s immunity lawyer Robert Kelner is an anti-Putin expert on Russia

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2017

Michael Flynn’s attorney made a prediction in November about Donald Trump issuing unusual pardons

By Bill Palmer | Mar 31, 2017

FBI agents descend on offshore casino run by Donald Trump business partner and campaign adviser

By Bill Palmer | Mar 30, 2017

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