Rex Tillerson admits Donald Trump’s attack on Syria wasn’t intended to do any damage to Assad

By Bill Palmer | Apr 9, 2017

From Syria to Yemen to North Korea, Donald Trump still can’t light his Reichstag Fire

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2017

Donald Trump, under FBI investigation, launches second unauthorized military action in three days

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2017

Donald Trump deploys warships to North Korea as a distraction from his Syria distraction

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2017

Donald Trump gets defensive about Syria runways, tacitly admitting he was doing Russia’s bidding

By Bill Palmer | Apr 8, 2017

Russia claims Trump’s Syria attack took out six already-broken planes and a cafeteria

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2017

Syria is second time Donald Trump has dodged Situation Room while ordering military action

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s alleged Russian money launderer Wilbur Ross sat next to him during Syria raid

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2017

Donald Trump keeps kicking Steve Bannon out of meetings, amid reports he’s about to be fired

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s own supporters demand he fire Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2017

Donald Trump owns stock in the Tomahawk missiles he used in Syria

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2017

One day after being hit by 59 U.S. missiles, Syria air base is still functional and launching warplanes

By Bill Palmer | Apr 7, 2017

Donald Trump’s ineffective Syria attack could have fully funded Meals on Wheels through 2029

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2017

U.S. missiles did as little damage in Syria as possible, and Russia chose not to use S-400 defense

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2017

How did Donald Trump know to build up U.S. troops in Syria just BEFORE the chemical gas attack?

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2017

Jared Kushner committed a felony by lying about Russia meetings on security clearance form

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2017

Syria gas attack and Donald Trump’s military response don’t add up – unless Putin orchestrated it

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2017

The U.S. has begun war in Syria tonight, and Donald Trump is screwing around at a golf resort

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2017

Twitter and ACLU sue Donald Trump administration after it tries to unmask ‘Alt’ account

By Bill Palmer | Apr 6, 2017

New York Times posts hilariously awful correction about Donald, Melania, and Ivanka Trump

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

Cory Louie, the ousted White House Info Security Chief who disappeared, finally surfaces (sort of)

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

Steve Bannon was talked out of resigning from White House by his Cambridge Analytica partner

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

Steve Bannon threatened to quit when Donald Trump removed him from National Security Council

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

Look out, Dana Boente: Donald Trump changes DOJ succession yet again as Russia scandal grows

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

Neil Gorsuch is fourth member of Donald Trump’s political team who has committed plagiarism

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

Steve Bannon removed from NSC just one day after claim that Jared Kushner was targeting him

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

The internet thinks Michael Flynn’s female Russian contact is also Roger Stone’s Guccifer 2.0 contact

By Bill Palmer | Apr 5, 2017

Jeff Merkley is putting on the most impressive filibuster since the Stackhouse filibuster

By Bill Palmer | Apr 4, 2017

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