Donald Trump doesn’t know that his “great friend” Pavarotti died ten years ago

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2017

You lost your boat in the wrong part of the world, Mr. President

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2017

Russia and China falsely claimed they were chasing the USS Carl Vinson to North Korea

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2017

Donald Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone is back to threatening female journalists

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2017

Nikolai Andrushchenko is 12th prominent Russian to die suspiciously during Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 20, 2017

Something new is afoot between Paul Manafort and the FBI in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2017

Here’s a partial list of the times Palmer Report was early to a story, attacked for it, and then subsequently vindicated

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2017

Brain specialist doctor believes Donald Trump’s frontal lobe is failing

By Bill Palmer | Apr 19, 2017

Senile Donald Trump thinks Paul Ryan is named “Ron” and Kim Jong-Un took power as a child

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2017

Donald Trump’s mental lapses rapidly worsen as he keeps calling Paul Ryan by wrong name

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2017

Pee Pee Tape confirmed? FBI used Trump-Russia dossier to get FISA warrant on Carter Page

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2017

Fact check: it turns out Donald Trump never sent any U.S. warships to North Korea

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2017

Looks like Donald Trump got up at 6am today just to watch himself on television

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2017

Neil Gorsuch crashes and burns in first day of Supreme Court hearings

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2017

Putin and the Kremlin Must Deal with the “Gay Concentration Camp” in Chechnya

By Kevin Orr | Apr 18, 2017

Scam site “Media Bias Fact Check” caught cribbing its ratings from Wikipedia

By Bill Palmer | Apr 18, 2017

Donald Trump thinks North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un has been in power since the nineties

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2017

CalExit leader applies for Russian citizenship; California secession was yet another Russian plot

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2017

Fact Check: Rasmussen claims Donald Trump’s approval rating is suddenly at 50%

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2017

Easter egg roll: kids yell “no” as Donald Trump inexplicably flings some kid’s hat into the crowd

By Bill Palmer | Apr 17, 2017

Donald Trump’s Easter morning Twitter rant is his strangest holiday meltdown yet

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s failed North Korea gambit didn’t even make sense by his usual standards

By Bill Palmer | Apr 16, 2017

Fact check: Donald Trump, pardons, and state level crimes

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2017

Saturday Night Live: Donald Trump fires Steve Bannon, who’s hauled away by the Grim Reaper

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2017

North Korea just launched a missile, and Donald Trump is at a Florida golf course with no advisers

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2017

U.S. Treasury busted Donald Trump for money laundering just before he entered the 2016 election

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2017

Donald Trump’s Gallup approval rating is even lower now than before he bombed Syria and Afghanistan

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2017

Donald Trump ships NSC deputy K.T. McFarland off to Singapore shortly after Carter Page’s trip there

By Bill Palmer | Apr 15, 2017

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