Alabama is holding a U.S. Senate election in 2017, and the Democratic candidate just may be viable

By Kevin Spann | May 6, 2017

Donald Trump’s staffers were caught photocopying classified documents and taking them

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2017

Michael Flynn was trying to get classified intel on Russia from the Obama team during transition

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2017

Sad! Donald Trump’s FCC childishly targets Stephen Colbert over joke about Trump and Putin

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House just cut off its nose to spite Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2017

Rep. Eric Swalwell points to just how damning the classified evidence is against Donald Trump and Russia

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2017

Senate Intel Committee finally goes hard after Donald Trump campaign adviser Carter Page

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders fills in for Sean Spicer, manages to screw it up even worse

By Bill Palmer | May 5, 2017

The dead giveaway that Donald Trump and the House GOP don’t expect the AHCA to survive the Senate

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Hillary Clinton is launching a new political group and she’s not taking any of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announces he’ll sue Donald Trump in court if the AHCA becomes law

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Donald Trump secretly hired Michael Flynn’s partner, who was connected to Flynn’s foreign agent scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Donald Trump picked the worst possible time to return to New York City

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Business Insider’s bizarrely creepy attempt at crafting an attack piece on Palmer Report

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Corey Lewandowski quits his job amid accusations he’s a paid foreign agent

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Fact check: did two House Democrats vote for the Republican AHCA American Health Care Plan?

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

The House has passed the hideous AHCA – but we can get it killed in the Senate if we act now

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Senate Intel leader says Donald Trump will probably be ousted

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Did James Comey just reveal that Michael Flynn has already cut a deal with the FBI?

By Bill Palmer | May 4, 2017

Oops: Lindsey Graham didn’t have the ranking member’s approval when he asked Susan Rice to testify

By Bill Palmer | May 3, 2017

James Comey confirms the FBI has been investigating Rudy Giuliani

By Bill Palmer | May 3, 2017

This CNN reporter just tried to trick me into participating in an attack piece on Palmer Report

By Bill Palmer | May 3, 2017

Senator gets James Comey to sort of confirm grand jury and RICO investigation into Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 3, 2017

New York State is working on a way to forcibly release Donald Trump’s tax returns

By Bill Palmer | May 3, 2017

It appears Melania Trump just “liked” a tweet about how much she hates Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2017

Donald Trump begins inevitable Twitter meltdown about James Comey and Hillary Clinton. Sad!

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2017

Trouble in Donald Trump-ville: his pals Sean Hannity and Roger Stone are now bickering on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2017

Democrat Jon Ossoff holds slight lead in Georgia runoff: four ways to put him over the top

By Bill Palmer | May 2, 2017

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