Senate Intel Committee subpoenas Michael Flynn after Donald Trump fires James Comey

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Fired FBI Director James Comey to testify about Trump-Russia for Senate committee after all

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Senate is now probing the Donald Trump Taj Mahal money laundering case we told you about last month

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Susan Collins just killed one of Donald Trump’s favorite bills

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Mike Pence caught in apparent lie over Donald Trump’s firing of James Comey

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Sean Spicer hid in the bushes in the dark to avoid questions about James Comey’s firing

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

While at White House today, Russian Minister Sergey Lavrov mocks the firing of James Comey

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Donald Trump fired James Comey after Trump-Russia suspect Roger Stone told him to

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Unhinged Donald Trump was screaming at his television before firing James Comey

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Rudy Giuliani turns up at Donald Trump’s Washington DC hotel right after James Comey firing

By Bill Palmer | May 10, 2017

Report: Donald Trump demanded James Comey end the grand juries before firing

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

FBI Director James Comey had a dead man switch, and here come the Trump-Russia leaks already

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Even the Richard Nixon Library is trolling Donald Trump for firing FBI Director James Comey

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

James Comey added to growing list of people Donald Trump has fired to fend off his Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Hours after James Comey firing, Donald Trump sets up meeting with Russian from MI6 Steele dossier

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

GOP Congressman crafts legislation for independent Trump-Russia commission after Comey firing

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

‪FBI Director James Comey will not publicly testify this week after being fired by Donald Trump [update]‬

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Donald Trump’s firing of James Comey brings comparisons to Nixon, demands for special prosecutor

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Amid James Comey firing, Senate Intel invokes U.S. Treasury to go after Donald Trump’s finances

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Donald Trump is toast after firing FBI Director James Comey today; everything will leak now

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Donald Trump fires FBI Director James Comey, thus ensuring his own demise as well

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Donald Trump fired Sally Yates just hours after her final White House meeting about Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Merriam-Webster openly mocks Donald Trump on Twitter for his literacy issues

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Sally Yates may have been setting up Mike Pence for a fall during her testimony

By Bill Palmer | May 9, 2017

Teen in Chechnya murdered by family member simply for being gay

By Kevin Orr | May 9, 2017

Rep. Ted Lieu, a former prosecutor, asks if Donald Trump violated the law with Sally Yates tweet

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2017

Donald Trump loses it, changes his own Twitter photo to a quote about James Clapper

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2017

Sally Yates testimony has now framed the scandal: Donald Trump was desperate not to defy Russia

By Bill Palmer | May 8, 2017

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