Republican Senator admits Donald Trump and his White House are in “Downward Spiral”

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Did Senators Burr and Warner step away from Thursday’s hearings due to Donald Trump’s Russia leak?

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

H.R. McMaster caught lying while disputing story that Donald Trump gave classified info to Russians

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Here’s what we do if GOP refuses to impeach Donald Trump for giving classified intel to the Russians

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Lock him up: Donald Trump gave code-word classified intel to the Russians during Oval Office meeting

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Hillary Clinton and Howard Dean are officially teaming up to fight Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Hillary Clinton launches “Onward Together” to help facilitate anti-Trump Resistance groups

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Get your popcorn ready: Sally Yates just booked a major television interview

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Good news for the Resistance: James Comey is “furious” at Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

About that rumor of Barack Obama and George W. Bush working together to oust Donald Trump…

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

WTF? Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen slammed for posting photo of his daughter in lingerie

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Paul Manafort was at NY Yankees game when news broke that New York is investigating him

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Donald Trump’s staffers are being told to lawyer up as his Russia scandal explodes

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

Hey Comcast: it’s time to fire the MSNBC exec who’s trying to get rid of Lawrence O’Donnell

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

Are authorities planning to move in on Donald Trump’s chumps while he’s overseas?

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

Donald Trump recorded conversations with rivals and reporters. Of course he recorded James Comey.

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

How bad is the Russia scandal? Donald Trump is laying the groundwork for scapegoating Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

James Clapper has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap, rips into him on Sunday morning shows

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

James Comey’s firing reveals Donald Trump’s true weakness: he doesn’t know who his enemies are

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

Preet Bharara has something to say about Donald Trump’s next FBI Director

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

Donald Trump’s senior staff in full Sunday morning panic mode after his firing of James Comey

By Bill Palmer | May 14, 2017

James Comey just called Donald Trump’s bluff

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2017

Donald Trump tweets one word and then deletes it, as Twitter erupts in laughter

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2017

Annapolis firm raided by FBI has ties to Steve Bannon

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2017

Rumors abound that Donald Trump changed out the entire Air Force One crew out of paranoia

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2017

Get your popcorn: James Comey is insisting that his final Trump-Russia testimony be in public

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2017

We cannot let Donald Trump nominate John Cornyn as FBI Director, and not for the reason you think

By Bill Palmer | May 13, 2017

Texas SB 6 “Bathroom Bill” is derailed, but Republicans may try again with HB 2899

By Kevin Orr | May 12, 2017

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