Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick threatens nuclear option over “Bathroom Bill”

By Kevin Orr | May 17, 2017

Michael Flynn appears to be leaking dirt on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

Rod Rosenstein made sure Donald Trump couldn’t fire him before he named Special Counsel Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

David & Goliath, Texas Style: Austin Mayor Adler takes on Governor Abbott and SB 4

By Kevin Orr | May 17, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the best news for the Resistance, and the worst for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

Paul Ryan and Kevin McCarthy caught on tape discussing Russian payments to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

It’s official: James Comey agrees to publicly testify about Donald Trump for Senate Intel Committee

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

Vladimir Putin personally signed off on Russian bank financing of Trump hotel

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

Hell freezes over: Fox News co-host says Republicans should apologize to Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

Presidential adviser David Gergen says Donald Trump is in impeachment territory, and he would know

By Bill Palmer | May 17, 2017

After James Comey’s memo, Donald Trump is ranting and raving and cursing out his staff

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

James Comey says he’s going public with his memos about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

FBI DirectorJames Comey’s smoking gun memo nails Donald Trump on obstruction of justice

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Here’s a funny thing: Donald Trump’s top advisers are all eagerly leaving the country with him this week

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Insiders: flailing Donald Trump has turned against “incompetent” son-in-law Jared Kushner

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Wounded animal Donald Trump just hurt himself in the worst way possible by pissing off Israel

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s contenders for new FBI Director are dropping like flies

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Everything you need to know about today’s Sally Yates television interview

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

New York settles Preet Bharara’s case with Russian money launderers: read between the lines

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Republican pundit acknowledges Donald Trump is a dangerously demented child

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

In his own words, Russian leaker Donald Trump has retroactively declared himself “Not fit” to be President

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Paul Ryan and Reince Priebus regret these tweets now that Donald Trump is giving Russia classified info

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Based on Donald Trump’s own words, I think he’s been giving classified info to Russia since March

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

Protesters project hilarious messages over the entrance to Donald Trump’s Washington DC hotel

By Bill Palmer | May 16, 2017

H.R. McMaster may have legally had no choice but to lie for Donald Trump about Russia intel story

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

This can’t be the first time Donald Trump gave classified intel to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

Help stop these radical religious bills from becoming law in Texas!

By Kevin Orr | May 15, 2017

Sean Spicer, Sarah Huckabee, Steve Bannon heard screaming at each other after Trump’s Russia leak story broke

By Bill Palmer | May 15, 2017

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