Disney World’s Hall of Presidents makes moves to sidestep Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

The impeachment of Donald Trump is a long and winding process. But we’ve arrived at Step One.

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

Jared Kushner just opened himself up to obstruction of justice charges in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

House Judiciary member Ted Lieu confirms he’s researching the impeachment of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

Fact check: did Jared Kushner delete all his tweets from Twitter?

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

Paul Ryan hints he’s been caught on tape saying even more damaging things about Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

After Donald Trump’s nut job moment, even Sean Spicer isn’t willing to lie for him anymore

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Mike Pence says he never saw Elijah Cummings’ letter about Michael Flynn. Democrats have proof he did.

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Anderson Cooper unloads on Jeffrey Lord: “if Trump took a dump on his desk, you would defend him”

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Things close in on Donald Trump: Jared Kushner named “person of interest” in Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Donald Trump and his White House just signaled that they think impeachment is coming

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Vox melts down and dishonestly attacks a U.S. Senator because he used Palmer Report as a source

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Someone is leaking the details of Donald Trump’s “nut job” conversation with the Russians

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Even with Special Counsel in place, James Comey’s leaks about Donald Trump continue

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein throws Donald Trump under the bus over James Comey firing

By Bill Palmer | May 19, 2017

Rick Wilson goes on MSNBC, talks about Donald Trump going “ripshit bonkers”

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Donald Trump refuses visas to LGBTQ refugees in danger of being murdered in Chechnya

By Kevin Orr | May 18, 2017

FBI Director James Comey once tried to blend in with the curtains so Donald Trump wouldn’t spot him

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Reeling from special prosecutor appointment, Donald Trump’s team seeks outside legal counsel

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

At press conference, Donald Trump tried to take a question from a reporter who wasn’t even there

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

It’s pretty clear Jared Kushner is now trying to destroy Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Jared Kushner seen smirking as Donald Trump denies he meddled in James Comey’s FBI investigation

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Lock him up: Michael Flynn may end up in jail for defying subpoena in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Time Magazine cover on Donald Trump’s Russia scandal says it all without saying a word

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Donald Trump invents new word while whining about Special Counsel

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

With Donald Trump’s downfall underway, the U.S. intel community may be targeting Paul Ryan too

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Is Ukraine behind secret recording of Paul Ryan discussing Russia paying Donald Trump?

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

Preet Bharara rubs it in after Special Counsel appointed against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 18, 2017

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