Donald Trump considers hiring Corey Lewandowski to handle White House crisis management. No, really.

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House makes hilarious typo suggesting it’s preoccupied with impeachment

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

The real trouble with Donald Trump calling the Manchester bombers “evil losers”

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Hey Donald Trump, feel free to release the Kraken by pardoning Michael Flynn

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Donald Trump’s no good very bad horrible day just got even worse for him

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Donald Trump unsuccessfully pressured NSA Director Mike Rogers to publicly sabotage James Comey

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

NSA also kept memos of Donald Trump’s attempts at obstructing justice in Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Elijah Cummings strikes back at Michael Flynn by revealing he already has the documents to lock him up

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Michael Flynn pleads the Fifth, but Paul Manafort and Roger Stone may have just sold out Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Donald Trump’s craptastic performance in Saudi Arabia and Israel suggests he’s trying to finish himself off

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

While speaking in Israel today, Donald Trump blurted out more classified intel about Israel

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Despite pleading the Fifth Amendment, the Senate can still arrest Michael Flynn for contempt

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Michael Flynn triggers the beginning of the end of Donald Trump by pleading the Fifth Amendment

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Donald Trump also sends Steve Bannon home from overseas trip, after sending Reince Priebus home

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Texas House Passes Public School Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bill

By Kevin Orr | May 22, 2017

Donald Trump heads to Israel amid assessment that the Israeli spy he outed to Russia is likely dead

By Bill Palmer | May 22, 2017

Donald Trump’s health questions mount as he begins canceling events left and right during overseas trip

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

Donald Trump’s sudden “health problems” on Saudi trip could be laying groundwork for resignation

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

What is wrong with Donald Trump’s health? Aide claims he’s merely “exhausted” on Saudi Arabia trip

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

Donald Trump resorts to fire sale on the “Gold Cards” he can’t even get his suckers to buy anymore

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

James Comey’s dad is now talking smack about Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

No stamina: Donald Trump can’t catch his breath during Saudi speech

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu advises Rex Tillerson to lawyer up in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

The real reason behind Donald Trump’s demotion of Sean Spicer revealed: Melania’s behind it

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

Reince Priebus is abandoning Donald Trump’s overseas trip and coming home early, sending up red flags

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

H.R. McMaster changes story on Donald Trump’s meeting with the Russians

By Bill Palmer | May 21, 2017

Sean Spicer is getting demoted, as flailing Donald Trump seeks a scapegoat

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

House Intel Russia probe expands to include yet another former Donald Trump campaign adviser

By Bill Palmer | May 20, 2017

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