Donald Trump just totally screwed Sean Spicer at the Vatican today

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

James Comey’s memos on Donald Trump’s Russia scandal implicate Reince Priebus in a crime

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Greg Gianforte, Republican candidate in Montana special election, allegedly body slams reporter

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Lock him up: Jeff Sessions committed felony by lying about Trump-Russia on his clearance forms

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

“Coming apart:” new Fox News poll has Donald Trump and Mike Pence both crashing and burning

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Fake Russian document tricked James Comey into publicly condemning Hillary Clinton for her emails

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

The Texas House sets a trap and the Senate takes the bait

By Kevin Orr | May 24, 2017

Congressman confirms Articles of Impeachment are being drafted against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Donald Trump’s dying hotel in New York begins layoffs

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Report: Mitch McConnell, Scott Walker, other Republican leaders tied to Russian money

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Pope Francis is not impressed with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House now admits it fudged the numbers in its budget by $2 trillion

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Donald Trump told a hostile foreign leader where U.S. nuclear subs were located

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

How a single word from former CIA Director John Brennan has changed everything about Trump-Russia

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

It’s time to make a phone call to the Governor of Texas!

By Kevin Orr | May 24, 2017

Democrat Christine Pellegrino pulls off stunning victory in New York assembly special election

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Mike Pence is now actively auditioning for President. Just wait til Donald Trump turns on him for it.

By Bill Palmer | May 24, 2017

Donald Trump’s Russia scandal managed to get even worse for him today

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Sean Hannity’s dive off the deep end coincides with his bromance with Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Democrat Edie DesMarais wins New Hampshire special election in solidly Republican district

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Donald Trump hires Joe Lieberman’s law firm partner to represent him in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

What if Michael Flynn has already flipped on Donald Trump, and this is all theater to rope in the others?

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Someone leaked Donald Trump’s phone call to Rodrigo Duterte, and it’s the stuff of madmen

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

As the Trump-Russia scandal explodes, Donald Trump hires attorney with RICO experience

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Trey Gowdy gets schooled by Former CIA Director John Brennan during Trump-Russia hearings

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

No, Palmer Report is not “fake news” – and it’s time for competing news outlets to stop lying about us

By Bill Palmer | May 23, 2017

Facebook, Twitter and the power of blocking the political people who deserve it

By Kevin Orr | May 23, 2017

New Texas Discriminatory Laws are Headed for Court

By Kevin Orr | May 23, 2017

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