Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus says NO to any form of “Bathroom Bill”

By Kevin Orr | May 26, 2017

Jared Kushner is screwed: his intercepted phone calls with Russian Ambassador go back to April 2016

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Jared Kushner proposed such inappropriate collusion, even the Russian Ambassador was taken aback

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu slams Donald Trump for acting like the “mafia” toward NATO

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Video: foreign leader befuddled as Donald Trump wanders off during joint press conference

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Report: NSA Director Mike Rogers confirms Trump-Russia election collusion to employees

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

After NATO dustup, major news outlet in Germany calls for Donald Trump’s ouster

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Democratic Party goes after Jared Kushner’s security clearance – and it just might take down Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Donald Trump responds to the FBI investigating Jared Kushner by giving him even more White House power

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Donald Trump humiliates himself by bragging about his least bad poll number, which is still awful

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Sean Hannity takes vacation from Fox News. He’ll be back, but maybe not for long.

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Greg Gianforte wins Montana election, but Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell just got body slammed

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Republican Senators privately admit they’ll kill AHCA and keep Obamacare if they get enough pushback this upcoming week

By Bill Palmer | May 26, 2017

Jared Kushner is the new Michael Flynn, right down to Russian blackmail

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

The NATO leader shoved by Donald Trump had just taken a bold stand against Russia

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Senate Intel Committee unanimously takes huge step in accelerating Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Donald Trump’s day from hell

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

European intel community said to be preparing to leak dirt on Donald Trump after his attack on NATO

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Fact check: is Donald Trump threatening to sue the Bloom County comic strip?

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Down goes Kushner? FBI is now going after Jared Kushner in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Mike Pence cancels event and hides from public after Greg Gianforte assault

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Donald Trump referred to Germany as “very bad” or “very evil” while meeting with other NATO leaders

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Backed into a corner, Jeff Sessions tries to blame the FBI for his lies about his Russia meetings

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Republican operative worked with Russian hacker Guccifer 2.0 to rig House elections in 2016

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Donald Trump shoves another NATO leader aside to get in front of him for photo op

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Montana newspaper rescinds endorsement of “deplorable” Greg Gianforte after he body slams reporter

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

The one question that will determine whether Donald Trump goes down for money laundering

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

Yes, you should blame Donald Trump for Republican candidate Greg Gianforte beating up a reporter

By Bill Palmer | May 25, 2017

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