Donald Trump’s defense of Carter Page is beyond suspicious

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2017

Looks like Donald Trump’s “covfefe” tweet was just a humanizing stunt by his handlers

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2017

There’s something entirely off-kilter about that Donald Trump and Barron Trump story

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2017

Merriam-Webster and Urban Dictionary troll Donald Trump over his “covfefe” tweet

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2017

The best replies to Donald Trump’s idiotic Twitter post about “covfefe”

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2017

Donald Trump goes off deep end, begins incoherently tweeting about “covfefe”

By Bill Palmer | May 31, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House Communications Director secretly resigned the day after Special Counsel Robert Mueller was appointed

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Donald Trump is having another day from hell

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Donald Trump reveals he’s a fragile snowflake

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Donald Trump gives out his cellphone to foreign leaders, doesn’t realize whole world is eavesdropping

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Facebook, Apple, others send warning to Texas Governor over “Bathroom Bill”

By Kevin Orr | May 30, 2017

Angela Merkel invited to inspect Chechnya’s gay concentration camps

By Kevin Orr | May 30, 2017

Michael Flynn caves, decides to turn over evidence in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Jared Kushner’s bad week continues as his newspaper begins losing employees

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Is Donald Trump’s staff trying to cheer him up by buying him fake new Twitter followers?

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Donald Trump’s friends admit he’s become “glum” and he’s psychologically falling apart

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Hey Donald Trump, is it a bad sign when your attorney needs an attorney?

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Sean Spicer’s press briefing went so poorly today, reporters booed him on his way out

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Donald Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen is about to get subpoena’d in the Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

The Resistance must call Texas Governor Abbott and tell him “No Bathroom Bills” in the Special Session

By Kevin Orr | May 30, 2017

Mike Dubke quits: Donald Trump’s unstable White House seeks its fourth Communications Director

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

Potential Russian asset Jared Kushner has been receiving classified intel before it gets to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | May 30, 2017

The Wall Street Journal is trying to sabotage Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Trump-Russia probe

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2017

Amid FBI’s Russia probe, Donald Trump’s White House nudges Jared Kushner toward the door

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2017

Donald Trump literally gave the middle finger to the Prime Minister of Italy during press conference

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2017

Texas Republican legislator threatens to shoot his Democratic colleague in the head, deport protesters

By Kevin Orr | May 29, 2017

Twitter slams Ivanka Trump for promoting celebratory champagne product on Memorial Day

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2017

Did Donald Trump use Kanye West to distract the media from Jared Kushner’s meeting with Russian bank?

By Bill Palmer | May 29, 2017

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