“Mass hysteria” inside White House as Donald Trump considers trying to fire Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Federal judge rules Jeff Sessions must release evidence against himself in Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Adam Schiff spells out why Donald Trump can’t actually fire Robert Mueller

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Get your popcorn: Jeff Sessions has been pummeled into testifying in public tomorrow

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Secret Service says no White House tapes, meaning Donald Trump is in a whole lot more trouble

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Maryland and DC are suing for Donald Trump’s tax returns amid hotel breach

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Hell freezes over: John McCain compares President Barack Obama favorably to Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Here’s how you know it’s over for Donald Trump: he’s talking about his own odds of impeachment

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. can’t take the heat, blocks Palmer Report on Twitter

By Bill Palmer | Jun 12, 2017

Donald Trump, in freefall, gives Reince Priebus deadline for fixing Donald Trump’s mess

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Here’s how you know James Comey had nothing to hide, and Jeff Sessions has everything to hide

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s personal attorney is offering White House staffers the kind of advice that’ll land them in prison

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Senator Patrick Leahy throws down the Trump-Russia gauntlet at Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Donald Trump calls off his United Kingdom visit, admits he’s afraid of facing protesters

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Amid Donald Trump hearings, Kamala Harris rises into 2020 presidential contention

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Donald Trump’s base can’t save him from his demise

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Top DOJ people are betting their careers that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will take down Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Donald Trump Jr. just admitted his father is lying and James Comey is telling the truth

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Democrat Claire McCaskill has a message for Republicans who claimed she was “ranting and raving”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 11, 2017

Jeff Sessions is having the worst week ever

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Republican Greg Gianforte to plead guilty, ensuring he’ll be a convicted criminal before taking office

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Jeff Sessions is so afraid of his Russia scandal, he’s sending his deputy to testify in open hearings

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Donald Trump can’t be bothered to look up from his golf game after three U.S. solders die in Afghanistan

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders manages to top Sean Spicer with Twitter snafu

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Hey Donald Trump, we may have found your White House leaker. It’s Kellyanne Conway.

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Republican Senator Chuck Grassley has had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Nancy Pelosi refuses to back down as Republican Congressman keeps trying to interrupt her

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

Ted Lieu goes off on Donald Trump’s attorney and suggests he could end up in prison

By Bill Palmer | Jun 10, 2017

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