Dan Rather agrees with Palmer Report: if Donald Trump falls below 30% approval rating, he’s a goner

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Vladimir Putin is about to have no further use for Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Enough with the “Donald Trump will never resign” schtick

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2017

Donald Trump brags about fake poll, but the real poll numbers show his approval rating is lowest yet

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2017

Adviser says Donald Trump wants to resign

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2017

Donald Trump has finally found an attorney who lies as stupidly as he does

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2017

The road to Donald Trump’s demise now goes through Jon Ossoff

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2017

Donald Trump slammed for tweeting ignorant garbage after seven U.S. Navy sailors found dead

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2017

At least ten members of Donald Trump administration have now lawyered up in Trump-Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 18, 2017

Former White House lawyer: if Robert Mueller is fired, Donald Trump will be gone from office “soon”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Ivanka Trump now under investigation for foreign business ties

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Six White House council members resign in protest of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Donald Trump hires new attorney who once lost a case to Preet Bharara, then cursed out a camera man

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Report: White House staffers are discussing when, not if, Donald Trump will resign

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Donald Trump holed up in isolation at Camp David, refuses to meet with anyone

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Russian money laundering bank funded Donald Trump’s Washington DC hotel during election

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Even Ben Carson thinks Robert Mueller’s investigation into Donald Trump should continue

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

So much for Donald Trump being stabilized by Melania Trump moving into the White House

By Bill Palmer | Jun 17, 2017

Unhinged Donald Trump reduced to screaming at White House television sets

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s latest angry tweet has legally cost himself executive privilege with White House staff

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2017

Donald Trump is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2017

Donald Trump may only be attacking Rod Rosenstein as a preemptive Pee Pee Tape distraction

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2017

All hell has broken loose between Donald Trump and deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

By Bill Palmer | Jun 16, 2017

Donald Trump’s DOJ puts out panicked press release about leaks, so here comes the biggest leak yet.

By Bill Palmer | Jun 15, 2017

Mike Pence is so scared of the Trump-Russia investigation, he now has a criminal defense fund

By Bill Palmer | Jun 15, 2017

Donald Trump may have just released a statement about leaks under Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein’s name

By Bill Palmer | Jun 15, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is officially investigating Jared Kushner’s finances in relation to Russia

By Bill Palmer | Jun 15, 2017

Get your popcorn: Senate bringing back James Comey for more testimony in Donald Trump obstruction probe

By Bill Palmer | Jun 15, 2017

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