Congressman Adam Schiff lays out Russian election interference during Congressional hearing

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2017

Donald Trump’s bizarre Iowa speech tonight suggests rapidly diminishing mental capacity

By Bill Palmer | Jun 22, 2017

Rank-and-file House GOP will shift away from Donald Trump after last night’s disastrous special election

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Donald Trump resignation and impeachment watch, June 21st: it’s all in the family

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Donald Trump Jr and Ivanka Trump tied to Russian mafia and money laundering

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Kellyanne Conway is under investigation for Russia ties

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Oops: Donald Trump didn’t know his Russian mafia buddy Felix Sater was an FBI informant

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Donald Trump has no idea the Democrats won a U.S. Congress special election earlier this month

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Senator Kamala Harris rips into Senate Republicans

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Congressman Ted Lieu says what we’re all thinking about Jeff Sessions

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Finally, hard evidence of just how badly Donald Trump has screwed the Republicans in the midterms

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

CNN calls for the media to boycott press briefings in Donald Trump’s White House

By Bill Palmer | Jun 21, 2017

Jon Ossoff’s narrow loss means Democrats are on track to take House and Senate in 2018 midterms

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2017

Donald Trump’s CIA Director Mike Pompeo looks dirtier in the Russia scandal by the minute

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2017

Jeff Sessions hires attorney whose connections suggest he’s trying to cut a deal against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s latest moves signal he knows Donald Trump can’t really fire him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2017

Jeff Sessions hires his own lawyer, amid report he may resign

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2017

Treasury Department’s financial crimes unit is giving up Donald Trump’s money laundering records

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2017

Special Counsel Robert Mueller takes major step in getting Donald Trump’s underlings to flip on him

By Bill Palmer | Jun 20, 2017

Donald Trump’s worst nightmare: Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort are both cooperating in Russia probe

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Donald Trump’s staffers complain that he’s become “agitated” and “exhausted”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Paul Manafort admits he dined with Russian spy figure just before becoming Donald Trump’s campaign chairman

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Report: Jeff Sessions to exit Donald Trump administration after Sean Spicer’s departure

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Senator reveals Michael Flynn may have already cut a deal with the FBI against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Michael Flynn went to Saudi Arabia, stayed in fake hotel, cut secret nuclear deal with the Russians

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

CNN’s Jim Acosta goes off on Donald Trump and Sean Spicer after farcical press briefing

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Donald Trump tries to promote Jon Ossoff’s opponent Karen Handel, misspells her name

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

Donald Trump deletes tweet about his idiotic new attorney Jay Sekulow

By Bill Palmer | Jun 19, 2017

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