FBI descends on cybersecurity firm with links to Donald Trump campaign and the Russian intel community

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2017

Donald Trump is going down for Russian money laundering, and now there’s nothing he can do to stop it

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2017

Prankster tricks Sean Hannity into tweeting “Hannity gargles piss”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2017

Roger Stone becomes third Donald Trump adviser this week to cooperate with Trump-Russia investigation

By Bill Palmer | Jun 28, 2017

U.S. Treasury turns over thousands of pages of financial crime records on Donald Trump and Russia

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Paul Manafort finally registers as a foreign agent just ahead of Trump-Russia collusion bombshell

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Donald Trump’s brand is so toxic, a major hotel has stopped licensing the “Trump” name

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Time Magazine demands that Donald Trump take down fake magazine covers of himself

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Sarah Huckabee Sanders keeps getting worse at trying to sell Donald Trump’s lies

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Reporter tells off Sarah Huckabee Sanders to her face over her nonstop lies and attacks on the media

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Republican leader: Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner is a “dick”

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Report: member of Donald Trump’s inner circle says Trump is going to prison

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Hey Donald Trump, about those Trump-Russia collusion “tapes” you suddenly claim don’t exist…

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

James Comey’s friend hints at impending bombshell in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal

By Bill Palmer | Jun 27, 2017

Donald Trump and Jared Kushner make panic moves after news that Carter Page has been meeting with Feds

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2017

Has he flipped? Carter Page answered questions about Trump-Russia for ten hours without a lawyer

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2017

Donald Trump is blaming Obama for the fact that he’s stuck being President

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2017

Donald Trump just admitted there are “tapes” of his campaign colluding with Russia

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2017

Sean Hannity just gave away that proof of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia is about to surface

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2017

Donald Trump finds himself vulnerable without his four hundred pound hacker

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2017

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak takes Donald Trump’s ball and goes home

By Bill Palmer | Jun 26, 2017

Jared Kushner received massive loan during election from Russian money laundering bank

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2017

Donald Trump is this close to totally losing it over Russia and taking himself down

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2017

Vladimir Putin and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak just pulled the plug on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2017

Ivanka Trump ordered to testify in trial after judge rejects her ridiculous excuse

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2017

Bipartisan Senate inquiry goes after Jared Kushner’s security clearance

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2017

Mike Pence holds secret Koch Brothers meeting, may be plotting against Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2017

Jared Kushner tries meeting with world leaders on Donald Trump’s behalf, blows it in comically bad fashion

By Bill Palmer | Jun 25, 2017

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