Donald Trump just tipped off that the Washington Post’s big Trump-Russia bombshell is about to drop

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

DOJ insider thinks Donald Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre is coming within days

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jared Kushner admits someone claiming to be a Russian hacker tried to blackmail Donald Trump just days before the election

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Deranged Donald Trump babbles about politicians and cocktail parties while speaking to Boy Scouts

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jill Stein is making herself look more guilty in Donald Trump’s Russia scandal by the minute

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Mentally deteriorating Donald Trump thinks Obamacare has been around for seventeen years

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Donald Trump can’t take the heat over Jeff Sessions scandal, rolls his eyes and pleads “Be quiet!”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jared Kushner had recent business connection to Russian attorney he just testified he didn’t recognize

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Jared Kushner tried to create evidence trail of deniability while he was still in meeting with Russian government lawyer

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

During Senate testimony, Jared Kushner thoroughly throws Donald Trump Jr. under the bus

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Rex Tillerson considers resigning in protest of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Donald Trump gets desperate, attacks “beleaguered” Jeff Sessions over Hillary Clinton

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Donald Trump has failed, and Vladimir Putin may go after Ivanka next

By Bill Palmer | Jul 24, 2017

Constitutional expert: Donald Trump may not be able to pardon his kids and advisers after all

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

Donald Trump’s approval rating is still falling, but his political capital is now at zero

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

The real reason Jeff Sessions is refusing to resign

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak has left the building

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

Sinking Donald Trump makes himself even more vulnerable by plotting eighteen day vacation

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

Donald Trump’s Putin-backed war against the Republican Party is coming, and it’s coming soon

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

In a step toward admitting defeat, Donald Trump admits his Russia scandal is “taking hold”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

Defeated Donald Trump begins ranting about how much he resents the Republicans

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

Oh dear lord. There’s now someone in the Donald Trump scandal named Ronald Rotunda

By Bill Palmer | Jul 23, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci thinks “full transparency” means deleting evidence

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2017

Jill Stein has Trump-like meltdown after Senate demands to see her communications with Donald Trump Jr.

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2017

The one state election in 2017 that can help land Donald Trump in prison

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2017

Donald Trump begins issuing unlawful orders, as ex-CIA chief urges personnel to defy Trump’s unlawful orders

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2017

Looks like Anthony Scaramucci is already ghostwriting Donald Trump’s latest deranged tweets

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2017

Checkmate: Putin’s only remaining way to get rid of sanctions is to get rid of Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Jul 22, 2017

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