Vladimir Putin “ready to cut his losses” on Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev publicly humiliates Donald Trump

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House in full scale meltdown as Ezra Cohen-Watnick is third NSC official fired this week

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Next to go? Steve Bannon’s loyalists suddenly being fired from National Security Council in rapid fashion

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Multiple reports say Donald Trump spoke with Vladimir Putin just before signing Russian sanctions bill

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

As polls show his base is finally giving up on him, Donald Trump tries desperate racist bid to slow the bleeding

By Bill Palmer | Aug 2, 2017

Jeff Sessions goes full White Supremacist as his feud with Donald Trump escalates

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Fact check: can Donald Trump use a “pocket veto” to kill the Russian sanctions bill?

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Amid Anthony Scaramucci – Reince Priebus debacle, Donald Trump’s approval rating hits all time low

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s top two military advisers are afraid to leave the country at the same time

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Robert Mueller knows Donald Trump can’t fire him

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Desperate Donald Trump scrapes bottom of the barrel with Eric Trump and his wife

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s exasperation boils over as he calls the White House a “real dump”

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Donald Trump is already publicly giving grief to new White House Chief of Staff John Kelly

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s White House caught having helped get the fake Seth Rich story onto the air

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

That didn’t last long: so much for Gen. John Kelly being able to keep Donald Trump in line

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Donald Trump was micromanaging every aspect of the Trump-Russia coverup, and now it’s coming out

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Donald Trump’s own base begins turning against him after he fires Anthony Scaramucci

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Deteriorating Donald Trump seriously appears to be hallucinating that he’s back on The Apprentice

By Bill Palmer | Aug 1, 2017

Donald Trump is about to fire yet another top adviser, this time for the sin of being “annoying”

By Bill Palmer | Jul 31, 2017

GOP insider: paranoid Donald Trump trying to fire everyone because he thinks they’re plotting 25th Amendment

By Bill Palmer | Jul 31, 2017

Donald Trump’s advisers throw him under the bus after he’s caught spearheading Trump Jr Russia coverup

By Bill Palmer | Jul 31, 2017

“This is bad”: prominent Donald Trump supporter dejectedly says Anthony Scaramucci firing is a disaster

By Bill Palmer | Jul 31, 2017

With Anthony Scaramucci’s firing, Donald Trump’s descent into a full blown psychopath is complete

By Bill Palmer | Jul 31, 2017

Donald Trump continues frantically reshuffling his advisers like deck chairs on the Titanic

By Bill Palmer | Jul 31, 2017

Vladimir Putin’s fake “retaliation” against U.S. sanctions bill is a shot across Donald Trump’s bow

By Bill Palmer | Jul 30, 2017

National Security Council member fired; National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster is on verge of being fired

By Bill Palmer | Jul 30, 2017

Donald Trump silent as Anthony Scaramucci’s reign of terror targets Reince Priebus’ marriage

By Bill Palmer | Jul 30, 2017

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